Recommended to use Krait2
Krait is a robust and ultrafast tool with a user-friendly graphic interface for genome-wide investigation of microsatellites, which attempts to overcome the limitations of the currently available tools. Krait is written in Python and can be run as a standalone desktop application on Windows, Linux or Mac systems without dependencies. The microsatellite search engine is written in C and compiled as Python modules for import into Krait
- Identification of perfect SSRs
- Identification of imperfect SSRs (iSSRs)
- Identification of compound SSRs (cSSRs)
- Identification of VNTRs from extremely large genome
- Locating the SSRs in gene coding region
- Design primer for microsatellite
- Statistical analysis and plotting
- Supporting gzip compressed fasta as input file
- Supporting export FASTA, GFF3 or CSV
- Downloading DNA sequence from NCBI database
Download URL:
Du L, Zhang C, Liu Q, Zhang X, Yue B (2018) Krait: an ultrafast tool for genome-wide survey of microsatellites and primer design. Bioinformatics. 34(4):681-683. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx665