UNLE is a medium performance node graph visualisation library designed for people who want quality and attention to detail
UNLE is an acronym for Unconstrained Node Layout Engine.
Click here for a demo.
Importing UNLE into your project:
<script src="/path/to/UNLE.js"><script>
Creating a new UNLE instance:
// Options are:
// "canvas" << required,
// "show_id" -> either true or false,
// "node_radius" -> any positive integer,
// "node_color" -> any HEX colour expressed such as 0x000000 for example,
// "edge_length" -> any positive integer
let graph = new UNLE({
"canvas": document.getElementById("<div where you want UNLE to place the canvas>"),
"node_color": 0xA0A0A0,
Adding nodes to the graph:
// ID can be anything from an integer to a string
Adding edges to the graph:
// INFO: length has been depreciated and will be removed in an upcoming version
graph.add_edge(<id of first node>, <id of second node>, <length of edge>);
Removing nodes from the graph:
// This will also remove any connected edges
Removing edges from the graph:
graph.remove_edge(<id of first node>, <id of second node>);