This library is used for the old locize UI. DO NOT USE IT ANYMORE!
Check out this migration guide.
The locize-editor enables you to directly connect content from your website / application with your content on your localization project on locize.
Enabling the editor by querystring ?locize=true
you can click any text content on your website to open it on the right side editor window:
The linking could be turned on/off using the button on the lower right or by pressing ctrl-x
Source can be loaded via npm, bower, downloaded from this repo or loaded from the npm CDN
If not using a bundler the script will be added to window.locizeEditor
Hint: This module runs only in browser.
Just init like:
lng: 'fr',
defaultNS: 'namespaceToUse',
projectId: '[yourProjectID]',
referenceLng: 'en'
Open edit mode by appending ?locize=true
to the querystring.
For additional options see below Initialize with optional options
The editor is built into our locizify script. There is no additional step needed.
Open edit mode by appending ?locize=true
to the querystring.
For texts using plural or interpolation feature you might need to additionally add &lng=cimode&useLng=[yourLocal]
to find a key.
import locizeEditor from 'locize-editor';
import i18next from 'locize';
import Backend from 'i18next-locize-backend';
You can configure some aspects like layout by adding init options.
// standalone
// enable on init without the need of adding querystring locize=true
enabled: false,
autoOpen: true, // if set to false you will need to open it via API
openDashboard: false, // open dashboard instead of the specified project
// enable by adding querystring locize=true; can be set to another value or turned off by setting to false
enableByQS: 'locize',
// turn on/off by pressing
toggleKeyModifier: 'ctrlKey', // metaKey | altKey | shiftKey
toggleKeyCode: 24, // x when pressing ctrl (e.which: document.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => console.warn(e.which, e));
// use lng in editor taken from query string, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize)
lngOverrideQS: 'useLng',
// use lng in editor, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize)
lngOverride: null,
// expect keys to have namespace prepend (CIMODE): text clicked is in form ns:key
hasNamespacePrefixed: false,
// default will open a iframe; setting to window will open a new window/tab instead
mode: 'iframe', // 'window',
// styles to adapt layout in iframe mode to your website layout
iframeContainerStyle: 'z-index: 1000; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 600px; box-shadow: -3px 0 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5);',
iframeStyle: 'height: 100%; width: 600px; border: none;',
bodyStyle: 'margin-right: 605px;',
// handle when locize saved the edited translations, eg. reload website
// You may need to click first one of the text elements in your app first. (
onEditorSaved: function(lng, ns) { location.reload(); },
// custom appendTarget and container classes for the InContext Editor
locizeEditorWindow: {
appendTarget: document.querySelector('.example-div'), // Element into which the editor window should be appended. Element should be set position: relative as the editor window itself will be set position: absolute;. defaults to false, appending to the body
containerClasses: 'custom-class second-custom-class' // defaults to false, resulting in no custom classes set
// custom appendTarget, container classes and title for the "locize editor" overlay with the button to toggle click selection of strings.
locizeEditorToggle: {
appendTarget: document.querySelector('.example-div'), // Element into which the toggle should be appended. Element should be set position: relative as the toggle itself will be set position: absolute;. defaults to false, appending to the body
containerClasses: 'custom-class second-custom-class', // defaults to false, resulting in no custom classes set
title: `Custom title` // defaults to false, resulting in the default title being displayed
// i18next, ...
editor: {
// all options above
use the onEditorSaved handler
// reload the full page
onEditorSaved: function(lng, ns) {
// reload translations in i18next and trigger a rerender
onEditorSaved: function(lng, ns) {
i18next.reloadResources(lng, ns, () => {
// trigger rerender on your app if needed
// note: reloadResources can take an optional callback in i18next@>=11.9.0
the app will reload those namespaces
locizeEditor.handleSavedMissing(lng, ns);
// eg. on your i18next-locize-backend bind the onSaved on init
backend: {
onSaved: locizeEditor.handleSavedMissing
see the sample for react.js i18next/react-i18next sample
As content is structured into multiple translation files we somehow need to detect/find the namespace (file) used for translating the clicked content.
If locize is not able to detect the right namespace it will fallback for a fuzzy global search - which in most cases should also provide the correct result. But you might like to get more control.
The namespace will be detected from current clicked element or any of its parents.
Following attributes are valid to look it up:
<!-- standalone -->
<div i18n-ns="myNamespace">content</div>
<div data-i18n-ns="myNamespace">content</div>
<!-- i18next: preferred -->
<div i18next-ns="myNamespace">content</div>
<div data-i18next-ns="myNamespace">content</div>
<!-- alternative: json stringified i18next options-->
<div i18next-options="{\"ns\":\"myNamespace\"}">content</div>
<div data-i18next-options="{\"ns\":\"myNamespace\"}">content</div>
If there is no possibility to find the used namespace per attribute on parent element you will need to toggle the lng to cimode. Additionally you will need to configure locize to append namespace in cimode by:
appendNamespaceToCIMode: true
open your website with querystring ?locize=true&lng=cimode&useLng=[yourLocal]