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Small and easy in use ORM to work together with ngrest.


  • mapping the developer-provided structures to database tables
  • easy and intuitive syntax to perform most used db operations
  • code generator for maximum comfort and speed of development
  • use the meta-comments to provide additional, database-specific functionality (PK, FK, UNIQUE, etc..)
  • easy to integrate with ngrest services

DBMS supported:

  • SQLite3
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL

Quick tour

Example of C++ entity bound to DB table:

// *table: users
struct User
    // by default all the fields are not null
    // to make field nullable wrap it into ngrest::Nullable

    // *pk: true
    // *autoincrement: true
    int id;

    std::string name;

    // *unique: true
    std::string email;

Basic example of insering and querying the data from DB:

#include <ngrest/db/SQLiteDb.h>
#include <ngrest/db/Table.h>

// ...

ngrest::SQLiteDb db("test.db"); // database connection
ngrest::Table<User> users(db); // object to work with users table

// exclude "id" from fields when inserting to make auto-increment working
users.setInsertFieldsInclusion({"id"}, ngrest::FieldsInclusion::Exclude);

// insert few users into 'users' table
// note: id is generated with AUTOINCREMENT
users << User {0, "John", ""}
      << User {0, "James", ""}
      << User {0, "Jane", ""};

// inserting the list using stream operators is possible too.
// also this is the prefered way to insert large amount of items
users << std::list<User>({
    {0, "Martin", ""},
    {0, "Marta", ""}

// select a user by id
users("id = ?", 1) >> user; // selects John

// std::ostream operators are generated too
std::cout << "User with id = 1 is: " << user << std::endl;

// select multiple users
std::list<User> userList;
users("name LIKE ?", "Ja%") >> userList; // selects James, Jane

Advanced usage, some examples on how to use Table methods:

// create table by schema if not exists

// delete all data from the table

// insert users using 'insert' method
users.insert({0, "Willy", ""});
users.insert({0, "Sally", ""});

// select all
const std::list<User>& resList0 =;

// the count of query arguments is not limited (works with stream operators as well)
// selects Willy, Sally
const std::list<User>& resList2 ="id > ? AND name LIKE ?", 2, "%lly");

// select only specified fields, other fields are has default initialization
const std::list<User>& resList6 = users.selectFields({"id", "name"}, "id = ?", 1);

// select one user
const User& resOne2 = users.selectOne("id = ?", 1);

// query using std::tuple
typedef std::tuple<int, std::string, std::string> UserInfo;

const std::list<UserInfo>& resRaw2 =
    users.selectTuple<UserInfo>({"id", "name", "email"}, "id > ?", 3);

for (const UserInfo& info : resRaw2) {
    int id;
    std::string name;
    std::string email;

    std::tie(id, name, email) = info;

    std::cout << id << " " << name << " " << email << std::endl;

// query one item using std::tuple

const UserInfo& resRaw3 = users.selectOneTuple<UserInfo>({"id", "name", "email"}, "id = ?", 2);

int id;
std::string name;
std::string email;

std::tie(id, name, email) = resRaw3;

std::cout << id << " " << name << " " << email << std::endl;


Must have ngrest installed:

No special install command needed. To add this package to your project type from project directory:

ngrest add loentar/ngrest-db sqlite

Example on how to use ngrest-db with ngrest service

Create service:

ngrest create Notes

Add ngrest-db package

cd notes
ngrest add loentar/ngrest-db sqlite

Make your notes/src/Notes.h look like this:

#ifndef NOTES_H
#define NOTES_H

#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <ngrest/common/Service.h>

// *table: notes
struct Note
    // *pk: true
    // *autoincrement: true
    int id;

    // *unique: true
    std::string title;

    std::string text;

// *location: notes
class Notes: public ngrest::Service
    //! add a note, returns inserted id
    // *method: POST
    int add(const std::string& title, const std::string& text);

    //! remove node by id
    // *method: DELETE
    void remove(int id);

    //! get note by id
    Note get(int id);

    //! get list of ids of all notes
    std::list<int> ids();

    //! get map of notes: id, title
    std::unordered_map<int, std::string> list();

    //! find notes containing title
    std::list<Note> find(const std::string& title);

#endif // NOTES_H

And notes/src/Notes.cpp like this:

#include <ngrest/db/SQLiteDb.h>
#include <ngrest/db/DbManager.h>

#include "Notes.h"

// singleton to access notes db
class NotesDb: public ::ngrest::DbManager< ::ngrest::SQLiteDb >
    static NotesDb& inst()
        static NotesDb instance;
        return instance;

        // perform DB initialization here
        createAllTables(); // create all missing tables

int Notes::add(const std::string& title, const std::string& text)
    return NotesDb::inst().getTable<Note>()
            .insert({0, title, text})

void Notes::remove(int id)
    NotesDb::inst().getTable<Note>().deleteWhere("id = ?", id);

Note Notes::get(int id)
    return NotesDb::inst().getTable<Note>().selectOne("id = ?", id);

std::list<int> Notes::ids()
    return NotesDb::inst().getTable<Note>().selectTuple<int>({"id"});

std::unordered_map<int, std::string> Notes::list()
    // example of access to DB without using Table<>
    std::unordered_map<int, std::string> result;

    ngrest::Query query(NotesDb::inst().db());
    query.prepare("SELECT id, title FROM notes");

    while ( {
        // read id from result(0), title from result(1)
        query.resultString(1, result[query.resultInt(0)]);
    return result;

std::list<Note> Notes::find(const std::string& title)
    return NotesDb::inst().getTable<Note>().select("title LIKE ?", "%" + title + "%");

Start your project from it's directory:


Open ngrest services tester http://localhost:9098/ngrest/service/Notes and try implemented operations: add, get, find, etc...

The DB will be stored in .ngrest/local/build/notes.db.

Initialize newly created DB schema with data once

If you need to place some initial records in your DB upon creation, this snippet can be used:

    std::list<std::string> createdTables;

    if (createAllTables(&createdTables)) {
        for (const std::string& name : createdTables) { // iterate through newly added tables
            if (name == "some_table") { // table name
                getTable<SomeTable>() // place initial data to it
                        << ngrest::FieldsInclusion::NotSet // to insert with ids
                        << Category{1, "One"}
                        << Category{2, "Two"}
                        << Category{3, "Three"}
                        << ngrest::FieldsInclusion::Exclude; // next inserts will ignore id


Feel free to ask ngrest and ngrest-db related questions here on the Google groups.


Simple ORM to use with ngrest








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