Click the "Deploy to Azure" button above. You can create new resources or reference existing ones (resource group, gateway, service plan, etc.) Site Name and Gateway must be unique URL hostnames. The deployment script will deploy the following:
- Resource Group (optional)
- Service Plan (if you don't reference exisiting one)
- Gateway (if you don't reference existing one)
- API App (EventHubAPI)
- API App Host (this is the site behind the api app that this github code deploys to)
The app has actions to send notifications via the Azure Notification Hub SDK
- Send Message (GCM)
- Send Message (MPNS)
- Send Message (Windows Native)
- Send Message (Apple Native)
- Send Message (Baidu Native)
Each action has the following inputs
Input | Description |
Connection String | The connection string to access the notification hub. |
Notification Hub Name | Name of the notification hub (e.g. mynotification ) |
Message | The message to send. Make sure you format this as needed for the type of notification (XML, JSON, etc.) |
The action will return a Notification Outcome object with details of the send.