Core engine for building motion detection web apps.
provides a DiffCamEngine
object that accesses the webcam, captures images from it, and evaluates motion.
You'll want to use the adapter.js
shim, which is available here: Add it before diff-cam-engine.js
With that in place, call DiffCamEngine.init()
to initialize. This will set things up and ask the user for permission to access the webcam.
// config options go here
Then call start()
to begin the actual motion sensing. Do not call start()
before init()
has finished. It's a good idea to call start()
from initSuccessCallback()
(more on this later).
Call stop()
to turn things off.
You can customize how DiffCamEngine
behaves by passing an object of name/value pairs into init()
. For example:
video: myVideo,
captureIntervalTime: 50,
captureCallback: myCaptureHandler
// etc.
The following variables can be passed into init()
Name | Default | Description |
video | internal <video> (not visible) | The <video> element for showing the live webcam stream |
motionCanvas | internal <canvas> (not visible) | The <canvas> element for showing the visual motion heatmap |
captureIntervalTime | 100 | Number of ms between capturing images from the stream |
captureWidth | 640 | Width of captured images from stream |
captureHeight | 480 | Height of capture images from stream |
diffWidth | 64 | Width of (usually downsized) images used for diffing and showing motion |
diffHeight | 48 | Height of (usually downsized) images used for diffing and showing motion |
pixelDiffThreshold | 32 | Minimum difference in a pixel to be considered changed |
scoreThreshold | 16 | Minimum number of changed pixels for an image to be considered as having motion |
includeMotionBox | false | Flag to calculate and display (on motionCanvas) the bounding box of motion |
includeMotionPixels | false | Flag to include data indicating all the changed pixels |
There are also a couple callback functions you can specify. This is the primary way of interacting with DiffCamEngine
during execution. Pass these into init()
just like the variables above.
Name | Description |
initSuccessCallback | Called when init has successfully completed |
initErrorCallback | Called when init fails |
startCompleteCallback | Called once the webcam has begun streaming |
captureCallback | Called after a captured image from the stream has been evaluated |
is the only one with a parameter. This parameter is an object with multiple properties on it. These properties are:
Property | Description |
imageData | The imageData object for the captured image |
score | The evaluated score for the captured image |
hasMotion | Whether or not the score meets the score threshold for motion |
motionBox | An object containg x min/max and y min/max for a box wrapping the region in which motion occurred, only returned if includeMotionBox is true |
motionPixels | An object containg each pixel in the image that changed (indicating motion), only returned if includeMotionPixels is true |
getURL | Convenience function, returns imageData converted to a URL suitable for setting as the src of an image |
checkMotionPixel | Convenience function, takes in an x and y cooridnate, returns a boolean indicating if the pixel at that location has changed |
exposes the following public functions:
Function | Description |
init | Initializes everything and requests permission to access the webcam |
start | Begin streaming from the webcam |
stop | Stop streaming from the webcam |
getPixelDiffThreshold | Get pixelDiffThreshold during execution |
setPixelDiffThreshold | Set pixelDiffThreshold during execution |
getScoreThreshold | Get scoreThreshold during execution |
setScoreThreshold | Set scoreThreshold during execution |
Check out (specifically /diff-cam-example and /turret-security) for examples that use diff-cam-engine. Check out for a more complex web app powered by diff-cam-engine.