All the 138,398 cities of the world with a population of at least 1000 inhabitants, in a big array.
a Elixir port of original node package all-the-cities
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding all_the_cities
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:all_the_cities, "~> 0.1.0"}
cities = AllTheCities.load()
Enum.filter(cities, fn c -> :binary.match(, "Albuquerque") !== :nomatch end)
# %AllTheCities.City{
# admin_code: "NM",
# alt_country: "",
# country: "US",
# feature_code: "PPL",
# lat: 35.16199,
# lng: -106.6428,
# muni: "",
# muni_sub: "",
# name: "Los Ranchos de Albuquerque",
# population: 6024
# },
# %AllTheCities.City{
# admin_code: "NM",
# alt_country: "",
# country: "US",
# feature_code: "PPLA2",
# lat: 35.08449,
# lng: -106.65114,
# muni: "",
# muni_sub: "",
# name: "Albuquerque",
# population: 545852
# }
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