Well, what can i say - if you have time on your hands...
...The knuckle-shuffle suite is designed to be a more efficient way of brute-forcing a
keyspace. It consists of the following scripts:
- knuckleshuffle.py: The main script. It sends the generated keys to STDOUT and messages to STDERR.
- sausage-fest.py: (Future code) Will be the server script for cloud cracking should you have two or more slaves a-shufflin'.
- abacus.py: Will eventually be incorporated into knuckle-shuffle and sausage-fest. It's basically just here as a development script so i can experiment and develop the concept without altering the future host.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2 (GNU GPL v2), available [here].
By using these scripts you agree that it is for intellectual purposes only, unless you own whatever you're brute-forcing and/or obtained it with the legal owner's permission.
(C) 2015 David A Swanepoel
The knuckle-shuffle suite was designed for use with Python 2.7.1 on Linux, but should work on Windows too. I haven't tested it yet, so I don't know if I'll need to add a different EOL marker, or at least add the option to use it as a command-line parameter.
Theory: The theory behind how and why this script can be found [here].
Usage: knuckle-shuffle.py -l=N -c=CHARSET [-s=TOKEN]
- -l=N where N is the length of the key. (Required)
- -c=CHARSET where CHARSET is a string of characters signifying the keyspace. (Required)
- -s=TOKEN where TOKEN is the start token. (Optional)
- knuckle-shuffle.py -l=3 -c=0123456789
- knuckle-shuffle.py -l=8 -c=abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz -s=$(grep -Po "^\w+" sess.txt)
Theory: [ToDo]
Usage: [ToDo]
Theory: The theory behind how and why this script can be found [here].
Usage: [ToDo]
Although installation is not strictly necessary, it certainly makes it easier if you copy the scripts into the /usr/bin. I'll be sure to get back to this section once i have more than just knuckle-shuffle.py working.