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AMSG v2.0

AMSG is an C++ serialization library.

Features Overview

  • Lightweight, fast and efficient serialization implementations
  • Only one macro to register C++ struct, one line code that's all
  • Header only, no need to build library, just three hpp files
  • Support C++11
  • Default support C++ built-in types and all std containters

What is AMSG?

struct person
  std::string  name;
  int          age;

  bool operator==(person const& rhs) const
    return name == && age == rhs.age;

AMSG(person, (name)(age));

#define ENOUGH_SIZE 4096
unsigned char buf[ENOUGH_SIZE];

// serialize
person src; = "lordoffox"
src.age = 33

amsg::zero_copy_buffer writer;
writer.set_write(buf, ENOUGH_SIZE);
amsg::write(writer, src);

// deserialize
person des;

amsg::zero_copy_buffer reader;
reader.set_read(buf, ENOUGH_SIZE);
amsg::read(reader, des);

assert(src == des);


  • CMake 2.8 and newer
  • Boost 1.55.0 and newer (Header only)

Supported Compilers

  • GCC >= 4.8
  • VC >= 12.0 (sp1)

Require C++11

#include <amsg/all.hpp>

// C++11's forward_list
#include <forward_list>

std::forward_list<int> fwd_list = {1,2,3,4,5};
unsigned char buf[4096];
amsg::zero_copy_buffer writer;
writer.set_write(buf, 4096);
amsg::write(writer, fwd_list);


Using amsg::size_of to get object's serialize size

struct person
  std::string  name;
  int          age;

  bool operator==(person const& rhs) const
    return name == && age == rhs.age;

AMSG(person, (name)(age));

person obj;
std::size_t size = amsg::size_of(obj);
std::cout << "person's serialize size: " << size << std::endl;


Sometimes you want limit max size of an array of string:

struct person
  std::string  name;
  int          age;

  bool operator==(person const& rhs) const
    return name == && age == rhs.age;

AMSG(person, (name&smax(30))(age)); // smax(30) limit name string max size is 30 bytes


Sometimes you want serialization size to be fixed:

struct person
  std::string    name;
  boost::int32_t age;

  bool operator==(person const& rhs) const
    return name == && age == rhs.age;

AMSG(person, (name)(age&sfix)); // sfix enforce age (int32_t) to be 4bytes after serialization

If no sfix, age will dependence its value: -128 to 127 --> 1byte -32,768 to 32,767 --> 2byte -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 --> 4byte

note: sfix only effect built-in types(int, short, long, char, float, double and so on).

Change list: V2.0:

1.refact with C++11, less and clean code for human readable.

2.add forwards and backwards compatibility.