The LoreSoft Blazor Controls project contains a collection of Blazor user controls.
- Demo:
- NuGet:
- Source:
The LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls library is available on via package name LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls
To install LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
Install-Package LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls
To use, you need to include the following CSS and JS files in your index.html
(Blazor WebAssembly) or _Host.cshtml
(Blazor Server).
In the head tag add the following CSS.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/LoreSoft.Blazor.Controls/BlazorControls.css" />
- Searching data by supplying a search function
- Template for search result, selected value, and footer
- Debounce support for smoother search
- Character limit before searching
- Multiselect support
- Built in form validation support
- Value - Bind to
in single selection mode. Mutually exclusive toValues
property. - Values - Bind to
in multiple selection mode. Mutually exclusive toValue
property. - SearchMethod - The method used to return search result
- AllowClear - Allow the selected value to be cleared
- ConvertMethod - The method used to convert search result type to the value type
- Debounce - Time to wait, in milliseconds, after last key press before starting a search
- Items - The initial list of items to show when there isn't any search text
- MinimumLength - Minimum number of characters before starting a search
- Placeholder - The placeholder text to show when nothing is selected
- ResultTemplate - User defined template for displaying a result in the results list
- SelectedTemplate - User defined template for displaying the selected item(s)
- NoRecordsTemplate - Template for when no items are found
- FooterTemplate - Template displayed at the end of the results list
- LoadingTemplate - Template displayed while searching
State selection dropdown. Bind to Value
property for single selection mode.
<Typeahead SearchMethod="@SearchState"
<SelectedTemplate Context="state">
<ResultTemplate Context="state">
@code {
public StateLocation SelectedState { get; set; }
public Task<IEnumerable<StateLocation>> SearchState(string searchText)
var result = Data.StateList
.Where(x => x.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower()))
return Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<StateLocation>>(result);
When you want to be able to select multiple results. Bind to the Values
property. The target property must be type IList<T>
<Typeahead SearchMethod="@SearchPeople"
<SelectedTemplate Context="person">
<ResultTemplate Context="person">
@code {
public IList<Person> SelectedPeople;
public Task<IEnumerable<Person>> SearchPeople(string searchText)
var result = Data.PersonList
.Where(x => x.FullName.ToLower().Contains(searchText.ToLower()))
return Task.FromResult<IEnumerable<Person>>(result);
Use Octokit to search for a GitHub repository.
<Typeahead SearchMethod="@SearchGithub"
<SelectedTemplate Context="repo">
<ResultTemplate Context="repo">
<div class="github-repository clearfix">
<div class="github-avatar"><img src="@repo.Owner.AvatarUrl"></div>
<div class="github-meta">
<div class="github-title">@repo.FullName</div>
<div class="github-description">@repo.Description</div>
<div class="github-statistics">
<div class="github-forks"><i class="fa fa-flash"></i> @repo.ForksCount Forks</div>
<div class="github-stargazers"><i class="fa fa-star"></i> @repo.StargazersCount Stars</div>
<div class="github-watchers"><i class="fa fa-eye"></i> @repo.SubscribersCount Watchers</div>
@inject IGitHubClient GitHubClient;
@code {
public Repository SelectedRepository { get; set; }
public async Task<IEnumerable<Repository>> SearchGithub(string searchText)
var request = new SearchRepositoriesRequest(searchText);
var result = await GitHubClient.Search.SearchRepo(request);
return result.Items;