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Automatic query correction & completion project


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Automatic query correction & completion project


Define a baseline for query correction

  • tokenize text into words (use spacy or a "naive" tokenization)
  • use an existing tool for isolated non-word detection and correction (e.g. hunspell)
  • rerank candidates by using a probabilistic n-gram language model (LM)


Process wikipedia dumps

Complete process to

  • download a .bz2 wikipedia dump file
  • decompress the archive
  • extract plain text from wikipedia xml file (using the script)
  • split text into sentences and preprocess them
    • lowercase text
    • remove digits
    • remove punctuation marks
    • remove non Latin characters
    • [FIXME]: uses the external regex library, therefore it's quite slow
  • count the number of occurrences of tokens (words and characters)
  • plot the count and coverage of tokens with respect to a minimum number of occurrences filter
  • filter the list of words with respect to their number of occurrences

As a result, this process allows us to define

  • a word vocabulary
  • the textual corpus needed to train a n-gram LM
$ scripts/prepare_wikipedia -h
usage: prepare_wikipedia [-h] conf

Download, decompress, extract and clean wikipedia dump data

positional arguments:
    conf        input config file (yml)

optional arguments:
    -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Train n-gram language models

Use the SRILM toolkit to

  • generate n-gram counts based on a word vocabulary and a sentence-per-line corpus
  • estimate an open-class language model using the modified Knesser-Ney smoothing technnique

The resulting language model will allow us to compute the log-probability of a sequence of words.

$ scripts/train_ngram_lm -h
Objective: train a probabilistic n-gram language model

Usage:   scripts/train_ngram_lm <yaml_config_file>
Example: scripts/train_ngram_lm conf/model/config_train_lm_wiki-fr.yml

Build the trie-based version of the SRILM language model

The code was inspired from the PyNLPl library.

Did not use it directly because

  • of the long load time
  • of the large memory usage (class within a class)
  • it always expects an ARPA model (large file, slow parsing)
  • it doesn't allow saving the model in a binary file and reloading it from there
  • it doesn't handle correctly the start-of-sentence token (prob=-99)
$ scripts/change_lm_format -h
usage: change_lm_format [-h] conf

Change format of n-gram LM

positional arguments:
  conf        input config file (yml)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Set up the process for the 1st baseline

Use 3 sources

  • a spacy NLP model
    • tokenize text
    • detect named entities
    • detect {numbers, urls, emails, punctuation}-like tokens
  • the hunspell spell-checker
    • detect misspelled words
    • generate candidate corrections (valid words within small edit-distances)
    • requires two files (available sources)
  • the trie-based n-gram language model
    • re-rank the out-of-context corrections generated by hunspell
    • prioritize the more likely sequences of words
$ scripts/run_baseline_1 -h
usage: run_baseline_1 [-h] conf

Tokenize, detect, correct and rerank corrections

positional arguments:
  conf        input config file (yml)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Docker execution

Execute: process wikipedia dumps

$ docker-compose run --rm devel \
    scripts/prepare_wikipedia \


res: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/datasets/wikipedia/fr-articles/
  - download
  - decompress
  - extract
  - preprocess
  - plot_word_occurrences
  - define_word_vocabulary
  - plot_char_occurrences
  - define_char_vocabulary
  output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2
  output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml
  output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.jsonl
    - --quiet
    - --json
    - --bytes 30G
    - --processes 2
    - --no-templates
    - --filter_disambig_pages
    - --min_text_length 50
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.jsonl
  output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
    ignore_digits: True
    apostrophe: fr
    ignore_punctuation: noise-a
    tostrip: False
    keepalnum: True
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
  output: plots/frwiki-latest-pages-articles_words.png
    mins: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100]
    left_lim: [0, 3000000]
    right_lim: [95, 100.4]
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
  output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-top500k-words.json
    topn: 500000
  input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
  output: plots/frwiki-latest-pages-articles_chars.png
    mins: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000]
    left_lim: [0, 750]
    right_lim: [99.5, 100.04]
    input: frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
    output: frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-chars.json


INFO [2018-04-27 11:01:12,483] [ccquery] Executing download action
INFO [2018-04-27 11:01:12,483] [ccquery.preprocessing.wiki_extraction] Download wikipedia dump
INFO [2018-04-27 11:34:33,892] [ccquery] Executing decompress action
INFO [2018-04-27 11:34:33,892] [ccquery.preprocessing.wiki_extraction] Decompress wikipedia dump
INFO [2018-04-27 11:45:22,892] [ccquery] Executing extract action
INFO [2018-04-27 11:45:22,892] [ccquery.preprocessing.wiki_extraction] Extract plain text from Wikipedia by executing the command: \
        frwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml \
        --quiet \
        --json \
        --bytes 30G \
        --processes 2 \
        --no-templates \
        --filter_disambig_pages \
        --min_text_length 50 \
        -o - > frwiki-latest-pages-articles.jsonl
INFO [2018-04-27 13:42:51,790] [ccquery] Executing preprocess action
INFO [2018-04-27 13:42:51,790] [ccquery.preprocessing.wiki_extraction] Extract clean sentences
INFO [2018-04-27 16:16:28,731] [ccquery] Executing plot_word_occurrences action
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:20,749] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Read 2,528,465 words with 591,560,481 occurrences
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:20,749] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save histogram on word occurrences
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:23,707] [ccquery] Executing define_word_vocabulary action
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:34,045] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Saved
    500,000 words out of 2,528,465
    (19.77% unique words, 99.24% coverage of word occurrences)
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:34,133] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save word counts in json file
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:36,301] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save words in text file
INFO [2018-04-27 16:22:37,226] [ccquery] Executing plot_char_occurrences action
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,466] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Read 642 chars with 3,413,985,452 occurrences
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,466] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save histogram on char occurrences
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,783] [ccquery] Executing define_char_vocabulary action
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,783] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save char counts in json file
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,785] [ccquery.preprocessing.vocabulary] Save chars in text file
INFO [2018-04-27 16:39:45,786] [ccquery] Finished.

The plot on the word occurrences
Word occurrences

The plot on the character occurrences
Character occurrences

Execute: train n-gram language models

$ docker-compose run --rm srilm \
    scripts/train_ngram_lm \


order: 3
vocab: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/datasets/wikipedia/fr-articles/frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-top500k-words.txt
corpus: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/datasets/wikipedia/fr-articles/frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
smoothing: -gt1min 0 -kndiscount2 -gt2min 0 -interpolate2 -kndiscount3 -gt3min 0 -interpolate3
pruning: 1e-9
counts: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/models/ngrams/wikipedia/fr-articles/counts_order3_500kwords_frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt
model: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/models/ngrams/wikipedia/fr-articles/
cleanup: false


Launch n-gram counting
    ngram-count \
        -order 3 \
        -unk -vocab frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-top500k-words.txt \
        -text frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt \
        -sort -write counts_order3_500kwords_frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt \
        -debug 2

29,751,572 sentences, 591,560,481 words, 4,507,154 OOVs

Finished at 08:56:52, after 515 seconds

Launch LM training
    make-big-lm \
        -order 3 \
        -unk -read counts_order3_500kwords_frwiki-latest-pages-articles.txt \
        -name aux -lm \
        -gt1min 0 -kndiscount2 -gt2min 0 -interpolate2 -kndiscount3 -gt3min 0 -interpolate3 \
        -prune 1e-9 \
        -debug 2

using ModKneserNey for 1-grams
using ModKneserNey for 2-grams
using ModKneserNey for 3-grams
warning: distributing 0.000334545 left-over probability mass over all 500002 words

discarded       1 2-gram contexts containing pseudo-events
discarded  453588 3-gram contexts containing pseudo-events

pruned    3298081 2-grams
pruned   90388561 3-grams

writing    500003 1-grams
writing  34985400 2-grams
writing  64759795 3-grams

Finished at 09:45:28, after 2916 seconds

Generated a model of 2.9G

Execute: build the trie-based version of the SRILM language model

$ docker-compose run --rm devel \
    scripts/change_lm_format \


  • use the same configuration file as the train_ngram_lm script
  • only uses the 'model' path configuration


INFO [2018-05-14 10:06:54,736] [ccquery] Load ARPA model
INFO [2018-05-14 10:06:54,737] [ccquery.ngram.arpa_lm] Load ARPA model from
INFO [2018-05-14 10:06:54,737] [ccquery.ngram.arpa_lm] Processing 1-grams
INFO [2018-05-14 10:06:56,478] [ccquery.ngram.arpa_lm] Processing 2-grams
INFO [2018-05-14 10:08:53,070] [ccquery.ngram.arpa_lm] Processing 3-grams
INFO [2018-05-14 10:12:35,282] [ccquery.ngram.arpa_lm] Loaded a 3-gram LM with {1: 500003, 2: 34985400, 3: 64759795} counts
INFO [2018-05-14 10:29:43,979] [ccquery] Save trie-based n-gram model
INFO [2018-05-14 10:29:44,726] [ccquery] Generated a model of 873.1MB

Execute: set up the process for the 1st baseline

$ docker-compose run --rm devel \
    scripts/run_baseline_1 \


  model: fr_core_news_sm
    - ner
    - parser
  model: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/models/ngrams/wikipedia/fr-articles/lm_order3_500kwords_modKN_prune1e-9_frwiki-latest-pages-articles.bin
    order: 3
    header: '@dd'
  dic: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/datasets/dictionaries/hunspell/FR/fr_plus_frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-top500k-words.dic
  aff: /mnt/data/ml/qwant/datasets/dictionaries/hunspell/FR/fr.aff
    file: /src/tests/spelling/sample-queries.jsonl
    input: noisy
    target: clean
    - 10
    - 5
    - 1


  • the combined dictionary 'fr_plus_frwiki-latest-pages-articles_voc-top500k-words.dic'
    was obtained with the combine_dictionaries script
    and the config_combine_dictionaries.yml configuration
  • it combines the fr.dic hunspell dictionary
    with the vocabulary associated to the n-gram language model


INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:46,732] [ccquery] Load intermediate tools
INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:58,509] [ccquery.spelling.b1correction] Loaded spacy NLP model
INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:59,096] [ccquery.spelling.b1correction] Loaded hunspell checker
INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:59,634] [ccquery.spelling.b1correction] Loaded n-gram language model
INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:59,634] [ccquery] Launch correction
INFO [2018-05-14 10:47:59,634] [ccquery] Evaluating the top 10 candidate corrections
INFO [2018-05-14 10:48:19,955] [ccquery] Performance R@10=88.67, P@10=81.93, F1@10=85.17
INFO [2018-05-14 10:48:19,956] [ccquery] Evaluating the top 5 candidate corrections
INFO [2018-05-14 10:48:40,253] [ccquery] Performance R@5=88.67, P@5=82.27, F1@5=85.35
INFO [2018-05-14 10:48:40,254] [ccquery] Evaluating the top 1 candidate corrections
INFO [2018-05-14 10:49:00,630] [ccquery] Performance R@1=86.33, P@1=86.33, F1@1=86.33
INFO [2018-05-14 10:49:00,630] [ccquery] Debugging...
INFO [2018-05-14 10:49:20,996] [ccquery] Display top-1 corrections
FROM           comment rehoindre une force TO  comment rejoindre une force
FROM            meilleur voeu en portugais TO  meilleur voeu en portugais
FROM                    serrue en applique TO  serre en applique
FROM                  pain de mie japonaid TO  pain de mie japonais
FROM                    dance polynesienne TO  dance polynésienne
FROM               caf aide longue malades TO  caf aide longue malades
FROM                             tanquille TO  tranquille
FROM                               malives TO  malines
FROM                             cinforama TO  informa
FROM                   ouvrir une huitemre TO  ouvrir une huitre
FROM  dtatistiques recherches sur internet TO  statistiques recherches sur internet
FROM                  conversion grammique TO  conversion muramique
FROM                    la lione chanteuse TO  la lione chanteuse
FROM                 paroles alumer le feu TO  paroles allumer le feu
FROM  fin grossesse glande bartolin enflée TO  fin grossesse glande bartoli enflée
FROM              dernier empreur de chine TO  dernier empereur de chine
FROM          comboien rapporte un codebis TO  colombien rapporte un debis
FROM                       musique vietman TO  musique vietnam
FROM                              amstrong TO  armstrong
FROM              je msuis fait tout petit TO  je suis fait tout petit

Execute: run the Flask-based REST API service

$ docker-compose up api
Starting ccquery_api_1 ... done
Attaching to ccquery_api_1
api_1    |  * Serving Flask app "baseline1" (lazy loading)
api_1    |  * Environment: production
api_1    |    WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
api_1    |    Use a production WSGI server instead.
api_1    |  * Debug mode: off
api_1    |  * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Autocorrection example from the REST API

$ curl -v -XPOST

* Rebuilt URL to:
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 5000 (#0)
> POST /?query=musique%20vietman HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 79
< Server: Werkzeug/0.14.1 Python/3.5.2
< Date: Fri, 18 May 2018 09:07:53 GMT
{"clean_query":"musique vietnam","clean_time":0.225,"query":"musique vietman"}

Autocorrection example from the web browser

Baseline-1 demonstration


Automatic query correction & completion project







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