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Releases: lost-in-the-canvas/WFRP-4th-Edition-FoundryVTT

Release 1.6.0

16 Jun 23:43
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Hello everyone, smaller update this time but with some nice additions nonetheless.


  • Prayer "Overcasting" is now implemented

  • Added a new row to the character sheet's main tab for "modifiers." which essentially allow you to add whatever bonus or penalty you want without having to mess with the initial or advancement values. This is very useful for mutations, spells/blessings, magic items, etc.

  • You can now drag and drop careers onto creatures to advance them as if they are NPCs (no career item will show, they are automatically advanced).

  • When using the Rest & Recovery feature, you can now drag and drop the wounds healed to your character.

  • Compatibility with Dice So Nice V2, now comes with WFRP Starter Set dice configured!


  • Fixed arrows cost.
  • All trappings should now be lowercase to accommodate linux users.
  • Fixed error when searching for qualities/flaws in the browser.
  • Fixed /pay and /credit, maybe this time.
  • Fixed table menu not being clickable.

Release 1.5.0

28 May 01:59
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Welcome to WFRP 1.5.0! This is an awesome update that I'm really excited for so let's get into it.

Note: This could introduce some bugs (especially sounds) so please be aware before updating, don't update if you're just about to run a game or you're not on FVTT 0.6.0


  • Character sheets are now resizable! It's been a long time coming but Edmund has done great work in finally bringing this in.

  • You can now allocate spell overcasts to see the Range, Duration, AoE Size, or number of targets increase.


  • Blast weapons and Spell AoEs now can be clicked to place the template on the field (this functionality I shamelessly lifted from the dnd5e system). I hope to include more automation here in targeting those you've included and calculating damage in the future.

  • Refactored sound effects to be more contextual, taking into account what type of weapon or armor being used, how much damage taken, etc. As well as more sounds included.

  • Added the ability to forcefully show the advancement indicators for skills and talents. To do so, open an owned skill or talent and you'll see a checkmark to force it or not. This is especially useful for the talents that add a skill to all careers you enter. Thanks @JiDW!

  • Added an option for a fancy Warhammer cursor to be used, thanks @DasSauerkraut!

  • Opposed Rolls now respect roll modes, thanks @herveDarritchon!

  • Added an option to not apply the Advantage modifier in the roll dialog. This makes it easier for people who have homebrew rules about spending advantage or otherwise don't use the default rules.

  • Improved OneJournal compatibility

Data Entry

  • Fixed Channelling Spelling in some careers (again)
  • Fixed Spear image not showing up in a sheet
  • Added more icons! Including brand new skill icons.


  • Fixed Dice So Nice compatibility
  • Fixed Roll Modes not showing in the Roll Dialog
  • Fixed NPC career advancement not saving basic skill advancements on refresh
  • Fixed Entangling weapons reducing their quantity when used.
  • Fixed Default Difficulty option not working properly
  • Fixed Pure Soul talent not being automated
  • Fixed /credit command needing to refresh to get the correct number of active players.
  • Fixed chat timestamps not updating occasionally

Thanks to all those who have contributed!

Additionally: Check out the Eye for an Eye conversion adventure! Complete with tokens, maps, sounds, and journals.

Release 1.4.0

09 May 22:58
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  • Added another chat command that serves as the reverse of /pay, you can now give your players money with /credit! Example /credit 4gc12ss40bp SPLIT or /credit 1gc4ss EACH See more at the Wiki Page. Thanks to @herveDarritchon for implementing this feature!

  • Added contextual sound effects for various different actions. Thanks to @DasSauerkrat for taking my initial proof of concept and seeing it to fruition!

  • Added @Pay custom link - Add @Pay[5gc] to chat or a TinyMCE editor to request a payment at a click of a button

  • Added compatibility with Dice So Nice! Thanks @JiDW for assisting.

  • Item find functions now search in the World before it searches in the compendium. This allows for any custom career that also references a custom talent/skill to work correctly.

  • Added tooltips to randomization buttons

  • Disabled the upload feature in the filepicker when browsing in the system or module directory. As a reminder to all DO NOT place your assets in the system directory.

  • Practical weapon quality now adds SL to failed tests as described

  • Added an additional option to change the Dangerous Crit modifier.

  • The skills text area in career items should now expand as the sheet is resized, making it more readable

Data Entry

  • Added some icons - thanks DOA77 for contributing some
  • Fix the spelling of Channelling in various careers.


  • Fix talent localization issue which prevented Strike Mighty Blow, Accurate Shot, and Robust from working
  • Ingredients can now be created in the inventory tab with the + button like other items.
  • Damage from Larger creatures when using an actual 'weapon' type now works correctly
  • Qualities or flaws with two words (Trap Blade) now should properly be recognized.

Additionally, check out the new module by @DasSauerkrat- WFRP Tweaks which adds some optional automation.

Release 1.3.0

26 Apr 19:18
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Hi all, apologies for the massive amount of bugs in version 1.2, the road to 100% localization has been pretty grueling. Luckily, I've had a lot of help, in fact, version 1.3 and it's biggest features are brought to us by @JiDW! I'm excited to see community contributions ramping up, and I sure am glad to have the help!


  • Chat cards for physical items now have additional buttons to roll for availability!
    Annotation 2020-04-26 030759
    Refer to the Wiki Page for more information

  • You can now post items from the compendium Item sheet, no longer requiring an import.

  • Added additional commands: /avail and /pay

  • Also added a /help command to quickly see the different commands available (shows to self only).

  • Added a button to the money section of the inventory to consolidate money into the fewest coins possible.
    Annotation 2020-04-26 031146

  • Added a contextual option for chat cards that players can use to automate using Fortune Points or Dark Deals
    Check out the wiki entry to learn more.

  • Added the -20 modifier to the Critical table if the character did not go below negative TB wounds.

  • Editing Channelling test is now less unpredictable.

  • Failing a Ranged Test now no longer proceeds with the opposed test.

  • Added a new option for Dangerous Criticals! - For every negative wound past TB, add +10 to the received Critical. This is one of the few homebrew rules as an option, would you like to see more?

Data Entry

  • Trappings that cost 0 in certain coinage now show 0 instead of blank.
  • Fixed some icons, hardly worth mentioning


  • Smaller screens should now be able to properly see the bottom of the actor sheets if their screen is physically large enough


  • An ungodly amount of bugs related to localization
  • Going to 0 wounds exactly (not into negative wounds) no longer shows as a Critical

Special Thanks

@JiDW for these major features
herveDarritchon for the /help command
LeRatierBretonnien for many bug reports and localization efforts
Thiravet for bug reports and the channelling fix
DasSauerkraut for the Dangerous Critical optional rule.

Additionally, check out the new module by @Jagusti - The GM Tool Kit

Release 1.2.0

15 Apr 00:40
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This release's main feature is more comprehensive translation support. This increase in functionality may cause additional bugs, please report anything you find!

Note: This is only compatible with 0.5.4+


  • More translation strings available to almost fully translate the system. There are still positioning/graphical issues that may arise.

  • The system now properly accounts for Combat Reflexes when rolling for initiative

  • Added the ability to add a bypass parameter to your item macros which will try to bypass the roll dialog menu with the data you provide. Below is an example of the arguments to add, note that if one of these parameters is 0, it does not need to be included. This does not currently work for Spells.
    WFRP_Utility.rollItemMacro("Zweihander", "weapon", {bypass : true, testModifier: -10, slBonus: 2, successBonus : 1});

  • Enhanced the Wrath and Miscast tables with richer values, including links and inline rolls.

  • Added a dotted border around Item images that are blank so they can easily be seen and changed


  • Added some styling to the Token HUD

  • Added some styling to chat bubbles


  • Fixed an issue with tabbing through skills and characteristics
  • Various localization fixes

Release 1.1

27 Mar 02:01
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This release includes a few extra features, bugfixes, and compatibility with FVTT 0.5.2

Next up will be localization enhancements


  • Added more combat buttons - Dodge, Improvised Weapon, and Stomp



  • Added Rest & Recover Wounds (does not automatically apply new wounds - yet)

  • Added a "Channel Override" for spells, allowing you to specify what skill to channel that spell with.
    Useful for custom winds (Waagh, as shown above), or just any skill, like Entertain (Sing) for Light magic.

  • Added hooks that modules can use to process more logic after tests are rolled.
    Hooks are:
    wfrp4e:rollTest, wfrp4e:rollIncomeTest, wfrp4e:rollWeaponTest, wfrp4e:rollCastTest, wfrp4e:rollChannelTest, wfrp4e:rollPrayerTest, wfrp4e:rollTraitTest

  • Added new option to default test difficulty to Average instead of Challenging outside of Combat - Thanks @Jagusti!

  • Added the ability to damage the armour trait from the main tab of a creature sheet, instead of having to swap to the combat tab.

Fixes since 1.0.0

  • Token mold, tokenizer, and FX master compatibility
  • Removed blank option from weapon group
  • Fix critical cast menu
  • Ranged ammo damage modification fixed
  • Fixed an issue with human male name generation

Release 1.0.0

13 Mar 17:49
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Well, this is probably long overdue, but it is time to call it done. 1.0 to us means that all the necessary functionality and bells and whistles for a smooth WFRP4e experience has been implemented, and I'd say with this release that goal has been accomplished. This is certainly not the last update, as I'll continue to improve the experience as the overall Foundry experience improves (looking at you, conditions revamp!). Bugfixes will be more rapid as well, instead of lumping them with the update I'll try to fix and release as soon as I can. I even have ideas for a cool, but completely extra, addition that I may start working on somewhat soon.

It's been a little over 1 year from when I joined the Foundry discord to start really working on this project, and I must say it's been a blast, despite all the frustrations. The brick wall I was bashing my head against a year ago has turned into a smooth and pleasurable experience. This API is a dream to work with once the workflow is familiar. So, onwards and upwards! More updates, maybe a new system, maybe some modules, who knows.

Please Read - Migration Warning

You will hopefully be asked to undergo a migration process when you start up your world with the 1.0 system. This migration is fairly small - only changing some things about weapons, but I highly recommend you backup your world folder before you undergo this process. You should be backing up your world anyway, but just to drive it home.


  • Added the WFRP Item Browser! Scrolling through compendia is typically not a very pleasurable experience when trying to find things (particularly a specific career you can't remember the name of). This new browser is hopefully a much better experience to find the specific items you're looking for.

  • Retired "Melee Damage" and "Ranged Damage" for weapons, consolidating it into a single "Damage" value. See more details in the spiel below.

Depending on what Weapon Group you choose, you'll see Reach/Range/Ammunition Type. Example: If you give a new weapon the "Bow" weapon type, the sheet will display Range and Ammunition Type instead of Reach. This is what the migration process is needed for. If the migration process fails or you skip it, your weapons may not have a damage value, so you would have to re-enter it for every item, and every owned item, etc.

The idea of Melee vs Ranged damage was the ability to use certain weapons as either. For instance - throwing axes used in melee. However, this solution was not ideal due to the fact that damage was the only independent variable here. You couldn't have a throwing axe that had the Hack quality only when Thrown, for instance. To accomplish this now, I would recommend making a new weapon ("Throwing Axe - Melee") and changing its stats to be specific for melee (and change encumbrance to 0 because it's the same weapon).

  • Morrslieb Weather Effect! Thanks to U~Man for the help in how to do this effect.

  • Add name generation for High Elves, Wood Elves, Dwarfs, and Halflings

  • Added the defeated icon in the conditions menu. Previously it was only available through marking a combatant defeated.


  • Finally fixed Token skill overrides not working
  • Fixed non-characters not equipping Items when given.
  • Fixed bug preventing Actors dragged from a compendium to be placed directly onto the canvas.


  • Fix various display elements of Compendium Actor Sheets as well as Actor sheets when viewed as an observer
  • Styled various popout tabs
  • Fixed various localization errors
  • Other minor graphical changes
  • Added UI compatibility with FX-Master

Data Entry

  • Fixed various career classes being "Countier" instead of "Courtier"

Beta 0.9.9

23 Feb 23:21
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Beta 0.9.9 Pre-release

A pretty grueling update that mainly focuses on localization and not much else unfortunately. I'll make up for it in the 1.0 update hopefully, and soon ;)


  • Added localization support! I'm hoping this doesn't break anything, and please report any issues you see with text not showing up correctly. Not everything is translatable, and I'm not sure it ever will be, but this is a good stepping stone.
  • Finished commenting code! Yay!
  • Added compatibility with Kakaroto's Popout Module! This allows you to open your sheet in a separate browser window.
  • Changed Career Item's Skills entry to a textarea allowing it to be more user friendly.
  • Added reroll button to character generation


  • Fix inability to change career income skills
  • Changed duplicate Critical names in the compendium in order to find them correctly when looking up criticals. (Gaping Wound would default to the first one found, regardless of location. This has been changed to Gaping Chest/Arm Wound, for instance)


  • Journal Import button moved to not block other buttons

Data Entry

  • Added Gods in Blessings and Miracles
  • Fixed Priest, Initiate, and Magistrate statuses
  • Improvised Weapon changed to Basic

Beta 0.9.8

09 Feb 06:15
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Beta 0.9.8 Pre-release

Another smaller update, wanted to get these bugfixes out quickly. 1.0 is coming up quickly, and I think I've discovered the big improvement I want to do for its release, so stay tuned!


  • Changing a current career's skill specialization now prompts the user if they want to reflect that change to the character. See the gif below.


  • Added Drag & Drop to income results.


  • "Mindless" trait is now supported (Wounds are calculated correctly).

  • Character generation has been reorganized to better accommodate Talents. Previously, +5 bonus talents would be added, then characteristics would be generated, which overwrite the talent bonuses. This has been swapped to generate characteristics first.

  • A "Free" button has been added when adding a career talent through the character sheet, this will help avoid confusion during character creation.


  • Right clicking an Talent advancement button now prompts the user if they want to refund the XP or not.

  • Added tooltips for characteristics, skills, and talent advancement indicators that show how much XP clicking on them would cost.


  • Added Height and Age to details in character creation.

  • Provided a way for module/world tables to extend system tables instead of replacing them.


  • Roll mode visibility has been fixed! Apologies for the delay. Now, Private, Blind, and Self rolls should all work appropriately.
  • Fixed inability to delete items from Creatures
  • Encumbrance Penalty calculation did not take into account Talents (despite the number reflecting that it does)
  • Fixed issue where sometimes players cannot roll tests if their token is not on the map


  • Journal Import button styled
  • Player configuration menu style corrected

Data Entry

  • Profane Urgency Mutation corrected
  • Surgery text fixed

Beta 0.9.7

02 Feb 23:30
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Beta 0.9.7 Pre-release

A smaller update that continues documentation and gives support to macros and custom entity links.


  • Drag and Drop functionality has been added for macros! Learn more at the Wiki Page.

  • I've created support for custom entity links. Currently only Rolls, Tables, Symptoms, and Conditions are supported, but there could be more like qualities and flaws in the future.

  • You can now cancel a targeted opposed test by simply deleting the message

  • Added table lookup to the table modifier menu, this will use the input value instead of rolling.


  • The Swarm trait is now automatically calculated - adds +10 WS and multiplies Wounds by 5

  • Added text in dropdowns and chat data for items to show that they've been damaged.

  • Continued documentation, commented dice, utility, and item classes.


  • Fixed last update's Armour trait damaging feature not working if no armour items were present.
  • Fixed Sin not automatically being added to Wrath of the Gods table rolls