This library includes a series of utility classes for
- extensible data structures (multimaps, AVL trees, disjoint sets, timeout queues)
- discrete math (polymorphic arithmetic, some group theory abstractions like rings and fields)
- convenient primitive to/from reference type conversion
- String(Builder)
and several simple but universal APIs for:
- service-based Remote Procedure Call (platform-independent, unlike Java's RMI)
- messaging pipeline (MVC based; console views, filters, loggers, front-end interface)
- tasks management & synchronization (MVC based; managers, executors, front-end interface)
- string searching (incremental search with listeners, suffix trees)
- some GUI:
- setup dialogs (Swing-based)
- progress bars (GUI extension to the task API)
The APIs are grouped into packages that can be imported as standalone JARs, to minimize dependencies.