This repository is a part of ansible-role-dotfiles and other wayofdev ansible project dependency, but it can also be installed as a stand-alone project using Makefile
and make
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- Supported Toolset
- Included Aliases and Commands
- License
- Author Information
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- Contributors
Use either one or many of these, the config files will be in place and ready to provide a familiar interface.
Currently only supported is iTerm2 for macOS, but I plan to add Hyper to support Linux nativley and on WSL.
Name | Description | Config |
iTerm2 | terminal emulator for macOS | ~/.config/iterm/ |
Name | Description | Config |
zsh | interactive shell | ~/.zshrc and others |
ohmyzsh | framework for managing zsh configuration | ~/.oh-my-zsh/ |
List of enabled built-in and third-party omz plugins by default. Plu
Plugin | Description |
git | Provides many aliases and a few useful functions |
keychain | Starts keychain to set up and load whichever credentials you want for both gpg and ssh connections |
gpg-agent | Enables GPG's gpg-agent if it is not running |
sudo | Prefix previous commands with sudo by pressing esc twice |
zsh-autosuggestions [3rd-party] | Suggests commands as you type based on history and completions |
zsh-syntax-highlighting [3rd-party] | Enables highlighting of commands whilst they are typed |
Name | Description | Config |
spaceship | zsh prompt theme | ~/.zsh_spaceship |
Only minimal list of apps are defined in ~/.Brewfile
For full macOS installation and configuration refer to ansible playbook β mac provisioner
Name | Description | Config |
Homebrew | package manager for macOS | ~/.Brewfile |
Name | Description | Config |
chezmoi | dotfiles manager | ~/.chezmoi.toml |
curl | data transfer tool | ~/.curlrc |
git | version control system | ~/.gitconfig |
nano | small terminal text editor | ~/.nanorc |
sqlite3 | sql database engine (client settings) | ~/.sqliterc |
wget | data transfer tool | ~/.wgetrc |
screen | full-screen window manager | ~/.screenrc |
editorconfig | coding styles for IDE's and editors | ~/.editorconfig |
iterm2 | iterm2 shell integration script | ~/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh |
ctop | htop-like interface for container metrics | ~/.ctop |
These are unified CLI commands available amongst different shells on all platforms. While some of their outputs may differ in style between different environments, their usage and behaviours remain universal.
Additional aliases are provided by Oh-My-Zsh and are listed by using the command alias
Command | Description |
~ |
Navigates to user home directory |
.. |
Navigates up a directory |
... |
Navigates up three directories |
.... |
Navigates up four directories |
Command | Description |
l |
Show long list with hidden files with human readable sizes |
ll |
Lists log list of files, including hidden, with human-readable sizes. Appends / to end of directories. |
la |
Lists log list of files, including hidden, excluding . and .. directories, with human-readable sizes. Appends / to end of directories. |
lsd |
Lists directories only, in long format |
lsh |
Lists hidden files in long format |
Command | Description |
cpv |
Copies a file securely using rsync |
fd |
Finds directories |
ff |
Finds files in current dir, shortcut to find . -type f -name [expression] |
Command | Description |
alias |
Lists registered aliases |
c |
Clears the console screen |
path |
Pretty prints registered system $PATH variables |
cm |
Short command to chezmoi |
h , hs |
Shows or searches in shell (session) history |
j |
Shows list of the jobs that are running in the background and in the foreground |
reload |
Reloads the shell |
re. |
Reloads the shell configuration |
Command | Description |
flushdns |
Flushes the DNS cache |
ips |
Gets all IP addresses |
localip |
Gets local IP address |
publicip |
Gets external IP address |
Sends HTTP requests using lwp-request: _Usage: GET |
fping |
Pings hostname(s) 30 times in quick succession |
Command | Description |
mnt |
Lists drive mounts |
sysinfo |
Shows system info using neofetch |
top |
Monitors processes and system resources, uses htop |
ctop |
htop-like interface for container metrics. See here |
Command | Description |
lock |
Locks the session |
hibernate |
Hibernates the system |
poweroff |
Shuts down the system |
reboot |
Restarts the system |
Command | Description |
dls |
Navigates to ~/Downloads |
docs |
Navigates to ~/Documents |
dt |
Navigates to ~/Desktop |
prj |
Navigates to ~/Projects β default developer's projects directory. [custom path] |
Command | Description |
cm cd |
Navigates to Chezmoi ~/.local/share/chezmoi dotfiles repository |
sublconf |
Navigates to Sublime Text's local configuration repo. |
Command | Description |
subl s |
Opens in Sublime Text, example s ./project |
p |
Opens PhpStorm |
pc |
Pycharm _Usage: pc ~/Projects/wayofdev/py_project |
gol |
Goland |
wbs |
Webstorm |
vim |
Opens neovim instead of vim, if exists in system |
Command | Description |
d |
Shortcut to docker |
dc |
Shortcut to docker-compose |
ds |
Shortcut to docker-sync |
g |
Shortcut to git . Full List of git aliases is listed here |
gitp |
Shortcut to git push --follow-tags origin master |
For full list of available commands check aliases and functions files.
Created in 2022 by lotyp / wayofdev
Inspired by:
- Why use chezmoi?
- great repository, which shows power of chezmoi renemarc/dotfiles
- template repository using chezmoi β chezmoi/dotfiles