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Vaccum Intelligent Agent


In this project, I have designed and implemented a goal-oriented agent using the BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) model, along with informed and uninformed searching algorithms, to simulate a cleaning robot in a castle. The robot has to navigate through several rooms to clean up the dirt and collect jewels that are randomly generated.🧹🏰

The main objective of the project is to design an intelligent agent that can reason about its goals and beliefs to make decisions on the shortest possible path to clean the castle efficiently. 🤖


Two types of algorithm have been used :

  • Uninformed : Bread First Search on this file
  • Informed : Greedy Search with Manhattan distance heursitic on this file


  • Yoann Ayoub : evaluate which algorithms are the best
  • Louise Lizé : implement all the code (including environment generation)

Further information

Autumn Semester 2022 @ UQAC