DALI Lab Developer 2 Challenge
To view the website -> DaliLabChallenge
A simple web app that visualizes data provided in a JSON on a world map.
Project Description:
I parsed JSON data containing information about DALI Lab members from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dali-lab/mappy/gh-pages/members.json .I then visually displayed the information using the Google Maps JavaScript API. I created a custom markers that marked the hometown of DALI members. On clicking the red marker, a info pop-up box appears that displays more information about the DALI member.
The project was a fun expremintial way to learn.I faced a ton of challenges in learning the language ins and outs of Javascript.I had problems displaying the info pop-up of the markers.The reason of the problem was that the images are of difrent sizes so if I displayed all the images at once they covered the whole map.I also added another cool feature in which members with a project are displayed with normal google maps markers but those without a project are displayed with beachflag markers.