Wechat server simulation for sending event or message to user server, mostly used for debug.
npm install wechat-simulator -S
var Simulator = require('wechat-simulator');
// wechat config must be the same with your server
var simulator = new Simulator({
appid: 'wxf3db56459f30fe0e',
token: 'YCbzZms6kOwejkrljKtvviBYgW0CRj0x',
encodingAESKey: 'JVcCWVGjWJ0Ds5egUsRjNVpqJ8wPQAHfG0Ss5RfS1D3',
url: 'https://lodejs.org/wechat/event'
// verify server
simulator.verify(function(err, pass) {
console.log(err || pass);
// send message or event
ToUserName: 'gh_36a25f348d1e',
FromUserName: 'o-hVKuLBPfFNJJbFPM5xq9PsWx9M',
CreateTime: '1446175343',
MsgType: 'event',
Event: 'card_pass_check',
CardId: 'p-hVLuMC-x2zMwD4kito8D0Aat_g'
}, function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);