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The complete API documentation of LÖVE contained in a Lua table.

The API information is updated manually based on the LÖVE Wiki. Therefore there is no guarantee that everything is correct and up to date. If you find any errors, outdated information or missing content, please file a bug report or create a pull request.

Contributions are more than welcome!


  • The master branch contains the most recent documentation, is constantly updated and follows the official wiki
  • You can find the documentation for older versions by checking the releases

Projects using the LÖVE-API

Table structure

return {
    version = '11.3',
    functions = { -- Functions not in modules, currently only love.getVersion
        -- See function structure below
    modules = {
            name = 'modulename',
            description = 'Description.',
            types = {
                -- See type structure below
            functions = {
                -- See function structure below
            enums = {
                    name = 'EnumName',
                    description = 'Description.',
                    constants = {
                            name = 'constantname',
                            description = 'Description.'
    types = { -- Currently only supertypes
        -- See type structure below
    callbacks = {
        -- See function structure below
types = {
        name = 'TypeName',
        description = 'Description.',
        constructors = { -- Optional
        functions = { -- Optional
            -- See function structure below
        supertypes = { -- Optional
functions = { -- callbacks = {
        name = 'functionName',
        description = 'Description.',
        variants = {
                returns = { -- Optional
                        type = 'type',
                        name = 'name',
                        description = 'Description.',
                        table = { -- If type is table
                                type = 'string',
                                name = 'name',
                                description = 'Description.'
                arguments = { -- Optional
                        type = 'type',
                        name = 'name',
                        default = 'default argument', -- Optional
                        description = 'Description.',
                        table = { -- If type is table
                                type = 'string',
                                name = 'name',
                                default = 'nil', -- Optional
                                description = 'Description.'


For ease of use, extra.lua adds some extra tables.

It is required like this:

api = require('love-api.extra')(require('love-api.love_api'))

It makes the following changes:

  • The objects/functions/callbacks in the "love module" are now in a module like the other modules, named "love".
  • Table fields which were optional before now contain empty tables (these fields: functions, types, enums, returns, arguments, constructors, supertypes)
  • Types now have a table of subtypes.
  • what field is a string saying what the table is, e.g. 'function', 'method', 'argument' etc.
  • id field is a unique string for each table with a what field.
  • There are now fields pointing to where a table comes from, e.g. an argument table has the fields module, function_ and variant.
  • Modules and functions have the fields fullname (e.g. '') and prefix (e.g. '')
  • Functions have an optional field constructs, which points to the type it constructs, and getter and setter which is the corresponding getter/setter to the state the function sets/gets.
  • api.everything contains every table with a what field.
  • There are fields with subsets of api.everything, e.g. api.allfunctions (containing functions, methods and callbacks), api.enums, etc.
  • api.byfullname which is indexed by fullname, and api.byid which is indexed by ID. For example api.byfullname['']

Example: function synopsis list

api = require('extra')(require('love-api.love_api'))

table.sort(api.variants, function(a, b) return a.function_.fullname < b.function_.fullname end)

local s = ''

for _, variant in ipairs(api.variants) do
    local function list(t)
        local s = ''

        for i, a in ipairs(t) do
            s =

            if a.default then
                s = s..' ['..a.default..']'

            if i ~= #t then
                s = s..', '

        return s

    if #variant.returns > 0 then
        s = s..list(variant.returns)..' = '

    s = s..variant.function_.fullname..'('

    if #variant.arguments > 0 then
        s = s..list(variant.arguments)

    s = s..')\n'


Extra table structure

return {
    version = '11.3',
    modules = {
            name = 'modulename',
            fullname = 'love.modulename', -- or 'love'
            prefix = 'love.' -- or '' for 'love'

            description = 'Description.',
            minidescription = 'Description.',

            types = {},
            functions = {},
            enums = {},

            what = 'module',
            id = 'love_modulename',

    byfullname = {}, -- Indexed by 'fullname' key
    byid = {}, -- Indexed by 'id' key
    everything = {}, -- Every table with a 'what' key
    allfullnames = {}, -- modules, functions, methods, callbacks, types, enums
    allfunctions = {}, -- functions, methods, callbacks
    noncallbackfunctions = {}, -- functions, methods
    functions = {},
    methods = {},
    callbacks = {},
    variants = {},
    arguments = {},
    returns = {},
    tables = {},
    types = {},
    enums = {},
    constants = {},

enums = {
        name = 'EnumName',
        fullname = name,
        description = 'Description.',
        minidescription = 'Description.',

        constants = {
                name = 'constantname',
                description = 'Description.',
                minidescription = 'Description.',

                what = 'constant'
                id = 'EnumName1',
                module = moduleTable,
                enum = enumTable,

        what = 'enum',
        id = 'EnumName',
        module = moduleTable,

types = {
        name = 'TypeName',
        fullname = name,
        description = 'Description.',
        minidescription = 'Description.',

        functions = {},

        parenttype = 'Parenttype' -- Optional
        supertypes = {
        subtypes = {
        constructors = {

        what = 'type',
        id = 'TypeName',
        module = moduleTable,

functions = {
        name = 'functionName',
        fullname = 'love.module.functionName',
        prefix = 'love.module.',
        description = 'Description.',
        minidescription = 'Description.',

        setter = setterTable, -- Optional
        getter = getterTable, -- Optional
        constructs = typeTable, -- Optional

        variants = {
                description = 'Description.', -- Optional

                returns = {},
                arguments = {},

                what = 'variant',
                id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast',
                module = moduleTable,
                function_ = functionTable,
                type_ = typeTable,

        what = 'function', -- or 'method' or 'callback'
        id = 'love_module_functionName',
        module = moduleTable,
        type_ = typeTable,

returns = { -- or arguments
        type = 'type',
        name = 'name',
        default = 'default argument', -- If argument and not return
        description = 'Description.',

        table = { -- If type is 'table'
                type = 'string',
                name = 'name',
                default = 'default argument', -- If argument and not return
                description = 'Description.',

                what = 'table',
                id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast_a2_t1',
                module = moduleTable,
                type_ = typeTable,
                function_ = functionTable,
                variant = variantTable,
                value = returnTable, -- or argumentTable

        what = 'return', -- or 'argument'
        id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast_r1',
        module = moduleTable,
        type_ = typeTable,
        function_ = functionTable,
        variant = variantTable,


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