Formify is a Scala 3 utility library built to convert
case classes into the x-www-form-urlencoded
data format.
This format is sometimes required by various APIs (notably
the Stripe API
and Twilio API)
when transmitting data. This library offers a simple
method of transforming your algebraic data types into strings
compliant with this content type.
libraryDependencies += "com.melvinlow" %% "formify" % <version>
To better understand the functionality of this library, let's take a look at a sample Stripe API request and payload, as per the official documentation:
curl \
-u sk_test_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dc: \
--data-urlencode success_url="" \
-d "line_items[0][price]"=price_H5ggYwtDq4fbrJ \
-d "line_items[0][quantity]"=2 \
-d mode=payment
This payload can be modeled in Scala as follows:
final case class Payload(line_items: List[LineItem], mode: String)
final case class LineItem(price: String, quantity: Int)
val data = Payload(List(LineItem("price_H5ggYwtDq4fbrJ", 2)), "payment")
Formify facilitates the transformation of such a representation back to its original form:
// res0: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(
// ("line_items[0][price]", "price_H5ggYwtDq4fbrJ"),
// ("line_items[0][quantity]", "2"),
// ("mode", "payment")
// )
// res1: String = "line_items%5B0%5D%5Bprice%5D=price_H5ggYwtDq4fbrJ&line_items%5B0%5D%5Bquantity%5D=2&mode=payment"
The compiled version (before .toList
) is a Chain[(String, String)]
which can be passed directly to http4s's UrlForm
Start by including the following imports:
import com.melvinlow.formify.*
Following this, you need to provide a method to merge
nested field names into a single string
using a FormFieldComposer
. This step is necessary
because x-www-form-urlencoded
payloads lack a standard approach for this.
Here is an example of accomplishing this for Stripe's API, where each field name not at the top level is enclosed within brackets "[]":
given FormFieldComposer = FormFieldComposer.make { fragments =>
fragments.head + => s"[$f]").toList.mkString
That's it! With the prior auto imports, you're now equipped to automatically convert your ADTs:
final case class Cat(owner: Option[String], favorite_foods: Array[String])
val mirai = Cat(None, Array("sushi", "taco bell"))
// mirai: Cat = Cat(owner = None, favorite_foods = Array("sushi", "taco bell"))
// res3: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(
// ("favorite_foods[0]", "sushi"),
// ("favorite_foods[1]", "taco bell")
// )
Finally, if you'd like, you can import the syntax
package to
gain access to the asFormData
extension shortcut:
import com.melvinlow.formify.syntax.all.*
// res4: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(
// ("favorite_foods[0]", "sushi"),
// ("favorite_foods[1]", "taco bell")
// )
Besides the FormFieldComposer
, there are two important
typeclasses for encoding custom types like java.time.Instant
The FormValueEncoder[T]
typeclass converts
the leaf nodes of your ADT into form values. If you're working with
a custom type such as java.time.Instant
, it's likely you'll
need to provide your own instance of this typeclass.
A Contravariant
typeclass instance from cats is provided,
meaning you only need to determine how to
convert your custom type to a type already
supported by a FormValueEncoder
instance. For instance, java.time.Instant
could be encoded into
epoch seconds by contramapping it to a Long
import cats.syntax.all.*
import java.time.Instant
given FormValueEncoder[Instant] = FormValueEncoder[Long].contramap(_.getEpochSecond)
After this, you can conveniently use java.time.Instant
in your ADTs:
final case class Person(created_at: Instant)
val jay = Person(
// jay: Person = Person(created_at = 2023-08-07T06:16:50.648187Z)
// res5: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(("created_at", "1691389010"))
The FormDataEncoder[T]
typeclass is the one you've
been interacting with from the beginning. It is responsible for converting
the non-leaf, branch parts of your ADT. If you need to generate
field names rather than just values, you will need to provide
two instances of this typeclass: one for when your branch type
contains leaf nodes and another for when it contains another branch.
Once again, a Contravariant
typeclass instance from cats is provided,
so you simply need to convert your custom type to a type that already
has a FormDataEncoder
instance. Generally, this
will be a Map[String, T]
or a List[T]
, depending on whether
your custom data type has named fields or not.
For example, you could encode a Set[T]
by sorting
its elements first and then converting it into a List[T]
// When T is a branch node
given [T: Ordering: FormDataEncoder]: FormDataEncoder[Set[T]] =
// When T is a leaf node
given [T: Ordering: FormValueEncoder]: FormDataEncoder[Set[T]] =
After this, you can use Set[T]
in your ADTs:
final case class Puppy(favorite_words: Set[String])
val aya = Puppy(Set("woof", "wan", "bark", "bitcoin"))
// aya: Puppy = Puppy(favorite_words = Set("woof", "wan", "bark", "bitcoin"))
// res6: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(
// ("favorite_words[0]", "bark"),
// ("favorite_words[1]", "bitcoin"),
// ("favorite_words[2]", "wan"),
// ("favorite_words[3]", "woof")
// )
In practice, a type can serve both as a branch node
and a leaf node. For instance, you might
want to encode a List
as a String
instead of indexing into it.
To manage this ambiguity, the auto derivation implementation
gives priority to FormValueEncoder
over FormDataEncoder
You can thus manually prompt the auto derivation to halt and
encode your type as a leaf node (instead of further recursion)
by providing a FormValueEncoder
instance for it.
As an example, let's force a List[Int]
to be encoded as a String
while keeping the default behavior for List[String]
given FormValueEncoder[List[Int]] =
FormValueEncoder[String].contramap(_.mkString(" and "))
final case class Bird(ages: List[Int], colors: List[String])
val mai = Bird(List(1, 2, 3), List("red", "blue", "green"))
// mai: Bird = Bird(
// ages = List(1, 2, 3),
// colors = List("red", "blue", "green")
// )
// res7: List[Tuple2[String, String]] = List(
// ("ages", "1 and 2 and 3"),
// ("colors[0]", "red"),
// ("colors[1]", "blue"),
// ("colors[2]", "green")
// )
Finally, it's worth noting that x-www-form-urlencoded
are fundamentally just key-value pairs. As such, there
is no inherent notion of nesting. However, the definition
of FormData
underneath the hood is just
a Chain[(NonEmptyChain[String], Option[String])]
(i.e., key-value pairs),
which means that it is flexible enough to support any encoding scheme.
Simply go through instances.scala
whatever default converters you need. You can then implement
the rest as you see fit.
As mentioned earlier, FormData
is really just an opaque type alias to
Chain[(NonEmptyChain[String], Option[String])]
. The
represents a field name that is possibly split
into fragments due to nesting, while the Option[String]
represents a
value which may or may not exist.
The compile
method simply converts this type into a Chain[(String, String)]
by merging the fragments using the provided FormFieldComposer
and discarding any fields with missing values.