This is a simple Vagrant setup for installing Cassandra 1.2.9 from DataStax Community repositories on Ubuntu Precise 64.
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant (you need at least 1.3.0 or better)
- Install Deep Merge plugin:
vagrant plugin install deep_merge
- Startup Vagrant by executing
vagrant up
- Connect to the server by executing
vagrant ssh cassandra1
- Connect to your Cassandra cluster
By default cluster of three machines is brought up. You can change the IP addresses of the machines, and the number of machines by modifying following map:
servers = {
:cassandra1 => '',
:cassandra2 => '',
:cassandra3 => ''
Each machine has 2048
MB of RAM, you can change this by modifying following line:
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"]