🚀 Hi, I'm Logi Sigurðarson
I'm a nerd from Iceland, studying CS at Columbia and living in NYC!
I love programming, coffee, chess, mechanical keyboards, and problem-solving. If you are interested in any of these, do not hesitate to reach out, and we can have a talk.
🎓 Education
MS in Computer Science (Software Systems Track) - Columbia University (Current)
Courses: Design using C++ (taught by Bjarne Stroustrup), AI (taught by Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi), Programming and Problem Solving (taught by Kenneth Ross), Operating Systems (taught by Jason Nieh)
BS in Software Engineering - Reykjavik University
🐍 Python
🔮 Typescript/Javascript, (Tailwind)CSS and HTML (testing with 🃏 Jest/Vitest)
⚛️ React with Typescript (see todo-site)
🦀 Rust (Keystrike Intership)
🫐 Go (see logis.dev and Raft)
Architecture & Design
- Microservice Architecture
- Design Patterns
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Systems & Infrastructure
- Operating Systems concepts
- Distributed Systems (e.g., Raft consensus algorithm)
- Cloud Computing (AWS)
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning fundamentals
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Problem Solving
- Algorithmic thinking
- Data Structures
- Competitive Programming
Feel free to reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my projects below!