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Toolkit for Linux-Vservers hosts


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   This software was initially written for Debian/Sarge, then for Debian/Etch.
   It is designed to work in a util-vserver / linux-vserver environment.
   ... See links at the end of this file ...


The base idea was to give a simple way to :
 - manage several networks for all hosts (802.1q vlans, iproute2)
   -> dedicate a network for vservers's hosts
 - apply network filters independently for each vserver
 - monitor each vserver (daemons and material resources)
   -> improved availability and safety
 - manage a pool of hosts and vservers
 - manage the pool from a 'master host'
   -> completely transparent vservers move
   -> backup of vservers without knowledge of localization
 - use LVM snapshots
   -> 'cold' and 'hot' backups
   -> reduced interruption of service
 - control mtu for 802.1q interfaces
 - create virtual servers with only 3 arguments
 - avoiding the crush and crash of vservers

A lot of ugly things are required with Debian/Sarge hosts, wich requires :
 - linux-
 - patch-
 - util-vserver-0.30.210
 - LVM2.2.02.01
 - device-mapper.1.02.02
 - a good knowledge about kernel compilation
 - free time ...

But fortunately, Debian/Etch is now the official 'stable' release :
 - a 'linux-vserver' kernel package is available
 - kernel 2.6.18 solves some troubles with routing and LVM
 - releases of 'util-vserver' and 'linux-vserver' kernel patch are recent


== First step ==

* Download and burn "debian-40r0-i386-netinst.iso"

* Boot computer from this disk

* I always use :
  - 100 MB for /boot (ext3)
  - 256 MB for swap
  - 1 GB for / (ext3)
    (2 GB are recommended to make your own kernel)
  - All available disk space for LVM Volume Group 'vg1'
    90 percents of this Volume Group for LVM Logical Volume 'vl1'
    Mount this Logical Volume to '/var/lib/vservers' (ext3)
    => The unused space is required for LVM snapshots
       (Note that LVM is facultative for 'master' host)

* I always choose the most basic install (no GUI, nothing other than
  the base system ...)

* Reboot the computer ...

== Second step ==

* Install some usefull packages :
  # apt-get install ntpdate wget ncftp joe less lsof tcpdump

* Install a MTA :
  # apt-get install postfix
  ==> You may configure Postfix to send ALL messages to another server :
      Edit /etc/postfix/ :
       mydestination =                  (EMPTY, relay all messages)
       myhostname = *blabla*            (FQDN for this host)
       relayhost = *blabla*             (ip address for relay host)
       mynetworks_style = host          (accept only local connexions)
       inet_interfaces = loopback-only  (listen on loopback)
  ==> Remember that kernel will always use the easyest way to talk with
      another host : see '** Routing and Firewalling **'

* Install required packages :
  # apt-get install ssh rsync lvm2 vlan mawk sed findutils mailx binutils bc

* Edit /etc/fstab :
  - Add option 'tagxid' to mount point '/var/lib/vservers'
    Ex: /dev/mapper/vg1-vl1 /var/lib/vservers ext3 defaults 0 2
    ==> /dev/mapper/vg1-vl1 /var/lib/vservers ext3 defaults,tagxid 0 2
  - Copy this line and replace '/var/lib/vservers' with '/vservers'
    (Note that two mountpoints are required)

* Create /vservers dir :
  # mkdir /vservers

* Add 'net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1' to /etc/sysctl.conf
  # echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1">>/etc/sysctl.conf

* Add '8021q' to /etc/modules :
  # echo "8021q">>/etc/modules

* Add 'iptables' to /etc/modules :
  # echo "iptables">>/etc/modules

* Check listening ports :
  # netstat -npl
  ==>  You MUST see only loopback and host's addresses
  ==>  You MUST disable or configure services that are
       listening on every addresses (
  - you MUST change sshd config :
    edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config :
    add option 'ListenAddress <address_for_this_host>'
    # echo "ListenAddress $(hostname -i)" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    # /etc/init.d/ssh restart
  - you may remove some packages :
    # apt-get remove nfs-common portmap
  - you may disable some daemons :
    # update-rc.d -f openbsd-inetd remove

* Install the linux-vserver kernel:
  # apt-get install linux-image-vserver-686
  (Note that 'linux-image-vserver-k7' is also available)

* Reboot the computer ...

== Third step ==

* Install the userspace utilities :
  # apt-get install util-vserver

* Set 'barrier' attribute :
  # setattr --barrier /vservers/

* Install contents of 'vs-tools' tarball
  # cd /usr/src
  # cp <path>/vs-tools-aaaammdd-n.tgz .
  # tar -xzf vs-tools-aaaammdd-n.tgz
  # cd vs-tools
  # sh

* Check your util-vserver / linux-vserver environment :
  # sh

* Edit /etc/vs-tools/vs-tools.conf
  This file contains some default values

* Edit /etc/vs-tools/networks.conf
  This file describes all vlan / networks for this host

== For 'master host' ONLY ==

 This host will get / put vservers on / from all other hosts
 It doesn't have to run vservers, but it must have a lot of disk space !
 (Note that only one backup agent is required : the 'master host' one)

* Create private/public keys : ('no passphrase' is good idea)
  # ssh-keygen -t dsa

* Install public key for every 'slave host' :
  # for s in host1 host2 host3 .... ; do ssh $s mkdir /root/.ssh ; \
  scp /root/.ssh/ $s:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys2 ; done

* Check that 'master host' is able to talk with all 'slave hosts' without
  passwords :
  # for s in host1 host2 host3 .... ; do ssh $s pwd ; done

* Edit /etc/vs-tools/slaves.conf
  Edit this file with names of slave hosts

* Edit /etc/vs-tools/backup.conf
  This file contains vserver names and their backup mode

** USAGE **

This software gives two sets of Bash scripts :
(all commands are documented with '--help' option)

* For all hosts :
  vs-control        -> enable / disable, stop / start vservers
  vs-create         -> create vservers
  vs-pkg            -> update, install, remove packages on vservers
  vs-net            -> manage vlans, routing, firewall for vservers
  vs-stats          -> usage statistics about hosts and vservers
  vs-limit          -> manage ressources limits for vservers
  vs-monitor        -> vservers monitoring daemon
  vs-snapshot       -> enable / disable snapshots
  vs-functions      -> direct call to library

* For 'master host' only :
  vs-scan           -> report vservers state on every hosts
  vs-get            -> get a vserver from a host
  vs-put            -> put a vserver to a host
  vs-move           -> move a vserver from a host to another host
  vs-remove         -> remove a vserver form a host
  vs-backup         -> backup all vservers

* You may also use 'util-vserver' commands :
  vserver <vserver_name> start     -> start <vserver_name>
  vserver <vserver_name> stop      -> stop <vserver_name>
  vserver <vserver_name> restart   -> restart <vserver_name>
  vserver <vserver_name> enter     -> switch to <vserver_name> context
  vserver-stat                     -> displays state of vservers that are

** FAQS **

Q - I have troubles with my network: i can ping, telnet or ssh an address, but
    i can't copy files (scp, rsync, ftp ...).
A - Some NIC drivers (as Tulip) doesn't like VLAN devices with 1500 bytes MTU.
    You may solve this problem with a '1496' MTU in /etc/vs-tools/vs-tools.conf

Q - How to enable firewalling for a vserver ?
A - Edit '/etc/vservers/<vserver name>/firewall.conf':
    - uncomment or add 'enable' keyword
    - edit your rules
    - restart firewall by 'vs-net --name <vserver name> --fw up'
    Note that this file is a copy from /etc/vs-tools/firewall.conf

Q - How to disable firewalling for a vserver ?
A - Stop firewalling by 'vs-net --name <vserver name> --fw down', then edit
    '/etc/vservers/<vserver name>/firewall.conf' and del or comment 'enable'

Q - How to enable monitoring for a vserver ?
A - Edit '/etc/vservers/<vserver name>/monitor.conf
    - uncomment and edit 'MONITOR_MAILTO' option
    - edit 'THRESHOLD' and 'HIT' values
    - restart monitor daemon by 'vs-monitor --name <vserver name> --start'

Q - How to disable monitoring for a vserver ?
A - Stop monitor daemon 'vs-monitor --name <vserver name> --stop', then edit
    '/etc/vservers/<vserver name>/monitor.conf and comment 'MONITOR_MAILTO'

Q - My computer has 2 nics, how to use them ?
A - I strongly recommend to dedicate to vservers the same nic on all hosts.
    So i always use 'eth0' for vservers. You won't have problems by using
    the second nic only for hosts.


* Please consider the following diagram :

   | VSERVER  HOST | -- vserver1 ('B' network) |
   |               | -- vserver2 ('B' network) |
   | ('A' network) | -- vserver3 ('C' network) |
 8021.Q   ||            /-->  host1 ('B' network)
  link    \\  +--------+
            ==| ROUTER |--->  host2 ('C' network)
                        \-->  host3 (external network)

  - a LAN that contains 3 networks :
     'A' network : private network, dedicated for vservers hosts
     'B' network : private network
     'C' network : public / DMZ network
  - a router for these 3 networks and link to external network (Internet)
  - a vserver host on 'A' network (untagged ethernet frames)
  - 3 vservers that are running on the vserver host
     vserver1 : on 'B' network, tagged frames, vlan id 10
     vserver2 : on 'B' network, tagged frames, vlan id 10
     vserver3 : on 'C' network, tagged frames, vlan id 20
  - 2 hosts, one on 'B' network and one on 'C' network
  - 1 host on external network (Internet)

* What it happens when a vserver is talking with another host ?

* What it happens when a vserver host is talking with another host ?


* File transfers with may cause overhead on hosts and limits bandwidth.

** LINKS **


Suggestions and bug reports are welcome ;)
laurent [dot] spagnol [at] reims [dot] iufm [dot] fr


Toolkit for Linux-Vservers hosts




GPL-3.0, GPL-2.0 licenses found

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