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An app that allows users to track their vehicle's departure and arrival history. It includes features such as social login with Google, geolocation, and offline and remote database synchronization.
- React Native
- TypeScript
- Expo
- Offline and Remote Database with RealmDB
- Geolocation with Google Maps
- Social login with Google
- Expo Task Manager
- Expo Location
- AsyncStorage
- DayJS
To run this project, you need to:
- Create an Android, iOS and Web auth key on Google Console
- Create a Cluster and App Service on Mongo RealmDB
- Create a Google Maps API key on Google Console
- Setup the auth keys and the Realm App ID on
1. Clone this repository
$ git clone
2. Install dependencies
$ npm i
3. Create an .env using the .env.example file structure. Use the keys generated before.
4. Run the project:
$ npx expo prebuild
$ npx expo run:android
- With Expo Go open on your device, scan the QR code in the terminal.
Note: You need to have Expo Go installed on your mobile device.