Artisan CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an open source software developed using the Laravel framework and the AdminLTE template in the MVC standard.
- Installing via github:
git clone
Access the project directory.
Run the command for kool to build the project
kool run setup
- Accessing the CRM locally:
- In your browser, access the URL http://localhost
- Access CRM with email: and password: admin@123
- Access CRM with email: password: admin@123
- Access CRM with email: password: admin@123
You can install this project via github or by downloading the zipped repository.
- Installing via github:
git clone
Create a new database in your MySQL;
Access the project directory:
cp .env.local.example .env
- Configuring the .env file with your data:
- On line 13 replace "your_database" with the name of the database you created in step 2
- On line 14 replace "mysql_username" with your MySQL username
- On line 15 replace the "mysql_password" with the password of your MySQL user
Run the commands:
To install project dependencies
composer install && yarn install && yarn dev
It is used to define a new key in your .env file which is used by Laravel's encryption service - Illuminate.
php artisan key:generate
Create a symbolic link between a subfolder in your storage directory (public/storage) and the public directory (storage/app/public).
php artisan storage:link
Run all project migrations.
php artisan migrate
Runs all project seeds.
php artisan db:seed
Start a development server for the Laravel project
php artisan serve
Accessing the CRM locally:
- In your browser, access the URL http://localhost
- Access CRM with email: and password: admin@123
- Access CRM with email: password: admin@123
- Access CRM with email: password: admin@123
Thank you for considering contributing to Artisan CRM. Any kind of contribution is welcome, send a PR!