I am a Fullstack Developer with over 3 years of experience in the IT industry. Since 2020, I have been working on fullstack projects using Typescript and implementing test-driven development (TDD) techniques, design patterns, software architecture, and cloud system deployment. Most of my repositories are private due to company policies, I do have a few public projects that I work on my free time. Check them out below:
Character Creation AI is a Next.js (React.js framework) project that uses AI to help gamers create unique RPG characters based on their responses to a series of questions. The default behavior is designed to create Fallout characters with unique SPECIAL stats. Built using TDD, TypeScript, and Clean Architecture.
Nuancias is a publishing platform developed with Next.js (React.js framework). This project utilizes TDD, Jest, TypeScript, and Clean Architecture, with data sourced from Nuancias CMS (Strapi CMS).
RPG API is a Nest.js project that serves as an API for class and skills creation for RPG video games. It employs TDD, TypeScript, and Clean Architecture.
DND is similar to the RPG API, developed with Nest.js but featuring different software layers and utilizing GitHub Actions for CI/CD. Additionally, I created a very simpleΒ web page with React.js + Vite to test Vite with CI/CD.
Praia Bonita is a project built using pure HTML and CSS. The main goal was to gain hands-on experience with GitHub tools and learn collaboration in a team setting.