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Play Framework Routes File Rules for Bazel

Status Stardoc
Build Status Stardoc


rules_play_routes compiles Play Framework routes files templates to Scala, so they can be used with bazelbuild/rules_scala and higherkindness/rules_scala.

Simple Core API: play_routes

For more information about the Play Framework, see the Play documentation.


Add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

# update version as needed
rules_play_routes_version = "TODO"
    name = "rules_play_routes",
    sha256 = "TODO",
    strip_prefix = "rules_play_routes-{}".format(rules_play_routes_version),
    type = "zip",
    url = "{}.zip".format(rules_play_routes_version),

# rules_jvm_external
rules_jvm_external_version = "6.2"

    name = "rules_jvm_external",
    sha256 = "aa39ecd47e16d5870eba817fe71476802bc371fe2724a2ddee565992df55f4af",
    strip_prefix = "rules_jvm_external-{}".format(rules_jvm_external_version),
    type = "zip",
    url = "{}.zip".format(rules_jvm_external_version),

load("@rules_jvm_external//:repositories.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_deps")

load("@rules_jvm_external//:setup.bzl", "rules_jvm_external_setup")

load("@play_routes_compiler_cli_3//:defs.bzl", play_routes_compiler_cli_3_pinned_maven_install = "pinned_maven_install")

load("@play_routes_compiler_cli_2_13//:defs.bzl", play_routes_compiler_cli_2_13_pinned_maven_install = "pinned_maven_install")

# Play routes compiler
load("@rules_play_routes//play-routes-toolchain:register-toolchains.bzl", "play_routes_register_toolchains")
play_routes_register_toolchains(default_toolchain_name = "play-routes-3")

This installs rules_play_routes to your WORKSPACE and sets up toolchains for a Scala 2.13 and Scala 3 version of the Play routes compiler with Scala 3 being the default. To change the default to Scala 2.13, set default_toolchain_name = "play-routes-2-13"

If you want to use a custom Play routes compiler, you can set up a custom toolchain in a BUILD.bazel file as follows:

load("@rules_play_routes//play-routes-toolchain:create-toolchain.bzl", "create_play_routes_toolchain")

    name = "play-routes-custom",
    play_routes_compiler = "<label of your custom Play routes compiler>",

Then change the play_routes_register_toolchains in the WORKSPACE file to use your custom toolchain:

    default_toolchain_name = "play-routes-custom",
    toolchains = ["<label of your custom Play routes compiler>"]

You can find the available versions of the Twirl Compiler CLI on maven:


The play_routes rule compiles Play routes files to a source jar that can be used with the rules_scala rules. For example,

load("@rules_play_routes//play-routes:play-routes.bzl", "play_routes")

    name = "play-routes",
    srcs = ["conf/routes"] + glob(["conf/*.routes"]),
    include_play_imports = True,
    generate_reverse_router = True,
    routes_imports = [...],

    name = "foo-service",
    srcs = glob(["app/**/*.scala"]) + [":play-routes"],
    main_class = "foo.server.RunServer",
    deps = [...]

Overriding the default Play routes compiler

To override the default Play routes compiler for a single target, you can change the play_routes_toolchain_name attribute on the play_routes target. That attribute can be set to the name of any play_routes_toolchain registered with play_routes_register_toolchains (and created using create_play_routes_toolchain). By default play-routes-3 and play-routes-2-13 are valid values.

For example:

    name = "play-routes",
    srcs = ["conf/routes"] + glob(["conf/*.routes"]),
    include_play_imports = True,
    generate_reverse_router = True,
    routes_imports = [...],
    play_routes_toolchain_name = "play-routes-2-13",

See the Stardoc documentation for the full list of options for play_routes.

Use with the Play Framework

play_routes can be used with rules_twirl to run a Play Framework Service. For example

  name = "twirl-templates",
  source_directory = "app",
  include_play_imports = True,
  srcs = glob(["app/**/*.scala.html"])
    + glob(["app/**/*.scala.xml"])
    + glob(["app/**/*.scala.js"])
    + glob(["app/**/*.scala.txt"]),
  additional_imports = [...],

    name = "play-routes",
    srcs = ["conf/routes"] + glob(["conf/*.routes"]),
    include_play_imports = True,
    generate_reverse_router = True,
    routes_imports = [...],

    name = "foo-service",
    srcs = glob(["app/**/*.scala"])  + [":twirl-templates", ":play-routes"],
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    main_class = "play.core.server.ProdServerStart",
    resources = [
        # To make your static assets work:
    ] + glob(["conf/resources/**/*"]),
    resource_strip_prefix = native.package_name(),
    classpath_resources = ["conf/application.conf"],
    jvm_flags = [
    deps = [...],

For static assets to work, put this into your public/BUILD file:

    name = "public",
    srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

If you want to have webjars support (, then check out


Command Line Play Routes Compiler

This project consists of the Play routes Bazel rules and a command line Play routes compiler. The command line compiler can be built with

bazel build //play-routes-compiler-cli:play-routes-compiler-cli-3

It can be run with

bazel run //play-routes-compiler-cli:play-routes-compiler-cli-3

There is a 2.13 verison of the routes compiler: //play-routes-compiler-cli:play-routes-compiler-cli-2-13


All tests can be run using


They can also be run using

bazel test //test/...

Updating Third Party Dependencies

We use rules_jvm_external to import third party dependencies.

To make changes to the dependencies, simply update maven_install in the appropriate workspace.bzl file (workspace.bzl for the main rules_play_routes implementation or test_workspace.bzl for the tests), and then update the dependencies json file used by rules_jvm_external by running the following script:


Never modify the dependencies json file directly.

Updating Stardoc

Before pushing your changes, make sure you update the documentation by running the following script:


Failure to do so will result in CI failing.


To release a new version to Maven Central:

  1. Push a tag with this syntax: P1.P2.P3 where P1.P2.P3 is the Play version, e.g., 3.0.4
  2. Once the build completes (including the publish step), find the staging repo in Sonatype (assuming you're signed in and have access to the project)
  3. Verify all the artifacts are on the staging Repository, and then close it through the Sonatype GUI
  4. Once Sonatype's pre-release checks on the repository complete, release it through the Sonatype GUI
  5. Verify the artifact's present in Maven Central (it can take multiple hours for everything to sync)