Goal is creating a typechecking
main =
state 0 <| \count setCount ->
state "" <| \message setMessage ->
render <| \model ->
Html.div []
[ Html.button [ Html.Events.onClick <| setCount <| (count model) + 1 ] [ Html.text "+" ]
, Html.p [] [ Html.text <| String.fromInt <| count model ]
, Html.input [ Html.Attributes.value (message model), Html.Events.onInput setMessage ] []
I claim that I got it. My solution can run snippets that look exactly like above and can be found in src/FinalSolutionIdenticalToRequest.elm
To run:
elm reactor
then click on src/FinalSolutionIdenticalToRequest.elm
or some other file:
- my original solution:
- a better, simplified attempt:
- a version that converts any of these functions into runnable elm programs:
- a version that additionally uses tuples instead of records for get,set:
- a version that additionally uses 2 arguments instead of records for get,set: