GUI app to upload, download, resize and access images (gifs too) from personal google drive folder Written as uni .NET Visual Studio (C#) project and for self usage
Uses Google Drive API and OAuth 2.0 v3 (credidentials not included)
Basically makes folder on your Google Drive where you can upload images, download from and edit stored images (well, only name and resize).
Allows to access files on Google Drive and:
- Resize images (gifs too)
- Copy images as files or thumbnails
- Get link to content or thumbnail (useful for posting on Discord for example)
- Delete images
- Stay on as try icon for fast access
- Save size presets for fast resizing
- Upload multiple files at once (drag&drop too)
Backup checkbox makes it save changed images into another folder (on Google Drive of course)
It was uni project so don't expect the cleanest code, even though was trying to separate it into files for cleaner functionality tree Could be useful for those that need to learn V3 Drive api things, because actually finding how to do those actions was kind of time consuming...
API credidentials in folder "Projekt" are necessary to connect to Google Drive You can get those (as of rn, v3) from
It's possible to change images folder from withing program of in "config.json" file
Just in case - packages that program is using:
- Google.Apis.1.49.0
- Google.Apis.Auth.1.49.0
- Google.Apis.Core.1.49.0
- Google.Apis.Drive.v3.
- Magick.NET.Core.6.1.0
- Magick.NET-Q16-AnyCPU.7.23.1
- MimeTypeMapOfficial.1.0.14
- Newtonsoft.Json.12.0.3
- System.Drawing.Common.5.0.0
- System.ValueTuple.4.5.0
You need to save new solution (just 'save as' or it shows on closing) Do:
Update-Package -Reinstall
In package manager if NuGet won't manage to install those by itself