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Miscellaneous Functions

Lukas Grünewald edited this page Apr 23, 2024 · 5 revisions

The following function can be selected from the list:

Set pixel size and unit

Change image scale and unit based on pixel size (e.g. copied from DigitalMicrograph). Default values are fetched from the selected image. You can then specify the values directly. For the unit, you can also choose from a list of special units for electron microscopy from the Use special unit menu. The latter do not show on my Windows system, but on Linux. Currently in the list: Å, Å$^{-1}$, and nm$^{-1}$ .

Set image width and unit

Change image scale and unit based on image width. Other options as above.

Correct for tilted perspective

Important: The y-direction/vertical direction is assumed to be the tilted surface.

This function will re-scale (i) the pixel size in y-direction for measurements (similar to the "Surface" and "Cross-section" corrections when measuring with a line on FEI/TS microscopes) and/or (ii) re-scale the pixel size in y-direction using TransformJ (Quintic B-Spline interpolation).
The sample tilt $\theta$ (= stage tilt for a flat sample) must be provided.

The correction can be done for "Cross-section" (factor = 1/sin($\theta$)) or "Surface" (factor = 1/cos($\theta$)) measurements, depending on what one wants to correct/measure.


  • Sample tilted to 70° for EBSD, tilt correction of the microscope was not used during acquisition. Set "Sample tilt" to 70 and select "Surface".
  • FIB cross-section at 52° sample tilt, tilt correction of the microscope was not used during SEM acquisition. If you want to measure, e.g., the thickness of a layer from the cross-section, set "Sample tilt" to 52 and select "Cross-section".

Calculate electron wavelength

Calculate relativistic de Broglie wavelength for electrons for a given beam energy.

Edit source code

Opens the source code in the Fiji editor.


Opens the help menu.