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Releases: luni64/EncoderTool

Bug Fixes

19 Apr 14:09
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  • Fixes issue with one wrong count directly after power up
  • Fixes a few typos in code comments and documentation


27 Jan 17:45
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Switches from std::function to stdex::inplace_function for callbacks
fixes a namespace issue when using the encodertool together with the timertool

Platform independence

09 May 11:53
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  • Platform independent hardware layer.
    Digital reading and writing was optimized for T3.x, T4.x, SEED_Xiao, and the 8bit AVR boards. Other boards fall back to normal
    digitalRead/digitalWrite calls.

Breaking changes

  • The default setting for the callback system changed to void(*)() functions. std::function callbacks are still supported but need to be activated in the config file.


  • Adapt and improve documentation

The changes were quite massive and some bugs are likely. -> Please do report any bugs, observations and not supported boards


07 May 04:41
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Fixed an error in library.json preventing installation in platformIO. Needed to retag to trigger a library scan in PIO

Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1

Compatibility to T-LC

04 Oct 17:25
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New features:

  • Compatibility to T-LC
  • Reduced memory footprint


  • Selecting plain vanilla void(*)(...) callbacks works now and is recommended for memory challenged boards.

Improved interrupt attaching

01 Oct 14:36
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EncoderTool - v2.0.0

31 Aug 13:28
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New features

  • The standard single encoder (class Encoder) is now interrupt based (no need to call encoder.tick() in loop anymore)
  • The original polling version is available with the class PollingEncoder
  • The 'all encoder callback' of the multiplexed encoder classes now also has a delta parameter
  • Breaking change: The count mode parameter of the multiplexed classes moved from the constructor to the begin function to be symmetric to the single encoder classes.
  • Examples adapted to the new constructors

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in

Encoder Tool - First Release

29 Aug 17:27
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Key Features

  • Supports directly connected and multiplexed encoders
  • Supports all common types of encoders, i.e., full (no detents, 4 counts per period, quad (1 detent per period) and half (two detents per period) and some variants of those
  • A callback mechanism allows for easy event based menu systems.
  • Callbacks use std::function and can call non static member functions.
  • Fully bounce free without additional hardware
  • Provides hard and cyclic count limits
  • Currently 74165 and 4067 based multiplexers are supported but the class structure allows for easy extension to any other multiplexer.
  • Schematics and Eagle files for multiplexed encoders available in the Extras folder


  • Finalize documentation
  • Add additional examples