This repository contains the codes and instructions to replicate the research published in Cobarrubia, Antonio, Jared Tall, Austin-Crispin Smith, and Antoni Luque, "Empirical and theoretical analysi of particle diffusion in mucus", Frontiers in Physics, XX XX 2021, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2021.594306.
The link to this repository was included in the Methods and Materials of the published article.
- This folder contains the tex and auxiliary files to compile the last revision of the manuscript prior to the proofs.
- This folder contains the tex and auxiliary files to compile the last revision of the supplementary material file.
- This folder contains the source data files included in the manuscript and necessary to replicate the research.
- This folder contains the codes and instructions to replicate the tables and figures publisehd in the article, including main text and supplementary.