Folder containing the files associated with Lee et al. Predicting the capsid architecture of tailed phages from metagenomic data https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2021.12.032
Diana Y. Lee, Luque Lab, SDSU / dlee@sdsu.edu
2021-09-24, revised 2021-11-12
FOLDER: 1_last_submitted_manuscript --> includes materials from the last submitted manuscript
FOLDER: 2_codes_and_data_for_reproducibility --> includes all jupyter notebooks, required data, and resulting files that were used to generate the data and analyses for the paper. Final Adobe Illustrator files for each figure are located in this folder as well.
FOLDER: 3_executables
--> includes both G2T and MCP2T python executable files to run the tools on your data
--> If you're interested in trying out our code on your data, this is the folder you're looking for!
FOLDER: 4_github_docs --> (in progress)files for github pages