This repository includes the codes and notebooks to simulate a dynamic system determined by a user and estimate and analyze the contributions (weight) of each process involved in the dynamics based on a specified observational time.
: Folder containing examples of models in JSON format. These models can be used as inputs and to implement other models with a different number of variables, processes, and parameters.first_time_Colab_test
: Folder containing the outputs to be compared with the execution of the Colab notebook when testing it for the first time on a browser.test
: Folder containing files relevant to the (ongoing) testing process of the repository.
: This text file specifies the repository's licensing
: This text file provides the repository's main description and content. It is the file you are currently reading.dynamic_regimes.ipynb
: This Jupyter notebook contains the code to execute the current dynamics version. It includes a link to execute it as a Colab
: This Python file contains code that could help repurpose some parts of the current method implemented in the Jupyter Notebook.
In the current version, the methodology has been implemented in a Colab notebook, which includes a Quick-Start Guide.
The notebook is based on ongoing research on transient dynamics by the Luque lab and Rohwer lab with scientists Sergio Cobo-Lopez and Matthew Witt as first authors of the foundational research contribution. PI Antoni Luque led the development of the Colab notebook software.