- 🏢 I'm currently working at Ldesign Media
- 💯 Moodle programming, IT enthusiast, cybersecurity
- 🏄 Sometimes I'm the kite surfing
- ❤️ Loves coding, security, electronics and building stuff!
Moodle open-source plugins:
GitHub LdesignMedia:
Moodle open-source plugins:
GitHub LdesignMedia:
Moodle - Canvas Game
Quick navigation - local plugin for Moodle 3.x
Make a avatar with your webcam in Moodle
MoodleFreak - Plugin that allow live webcast with chat and file sharing on a moodle environment
Stackviewer is a course activity plugin which allows teachers to display images as a stack. The student can scroll through the stack of images, similar to using radiological DICOM software to resea…
JavaScript 4