Clone this repo to your local
yarn install
Run in production:
yarn build
yarn start
Run in development:
yarn dev
Then open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Build image
docker build -f Dockerfile -t themeparks-api .
Run image:
docker run -d --name themeparks-api --restart=unless-stopped -p 3000:3000 -v "$PWD/data:/app/data" -t themeparks-api
List all parks
status: (string),
parks: [
id: (string),
name: (string),
location: (string),
latitude: (string),
longitude: (string),
timeZone: (string),
mapUrl: (string)
parks_total: (int)
List waiting times in specific park.
status: (string),
results: [
id: (string),
name: (string),
active: (bool),
waitTime: (string),
fastPass: (bool),
lastUpdate: (string),
status: (string)
results_total: (int)
List opening times in specific park.
status: (string),
results: [
date: (string),
openingTime: (string),
closingTime: (string),
type: (string),
special: [
openingTime: (string),
closingTime: (string),
description: (string),
type: (string)
results_total: (int)
You can test yourself with this site: Note: It's free app in heroku so it may not accept large requests.