Python3 code to load and evaluate 6DOF tracking dataset from Deep 6 DoF Tracking
- vispy
- pyopengl
- opencv
Script to download/extract the full dataset from the servers. Contains option to skip downloads and to set output paths. The default path is ./data.
python -o ./data
- 3dmodels contains each object models
- geometry.ply : vertex (meter scale), color, texture information
- ao.ply : per vertex ambiant occlusion intensity
- object.bmp : texture
- raw_training contains training data for each objects.
- x.png : rgb frame id x
- xd.png : depth frame id x
- camera.json : camera intrinsics
- viewpoints.json : camera extrinsics (see show sequence example for an example to load them
- sequences contains test data for each objects.
Script to visualize the dataset (sequence only). Serve as an example on how the dataset is loaded in memory. The option --save will save the ground truth data in the format used for evaluation.
python show_sequence --dataset ./data --object dragon
To load result instead of ground truth, use --load option:
python show_sequence --dataset ./data --load ./sequence_dragon.npy
- Add support for csv file
- evaluation code