Skills: Javascript | Typescript | HTML | CSS | React | Next.js | Vite | Redux | React Context | React Native | React Testing Library | Jest | RESTful API | Tailwind CSS | Emotion | LESS/SASS | GraphQL | C# | .NET Framework | NodeJS | Express | SQL | Python | Deployment | Git | Agile/Scrum
- 🔭 I’m a very detail-oriented front end software engineer.
- 🌱 When I'm not busy with work, I like to keep my skills sharp by building side projects and taking skill-building courses.
- 🔥 I am passionate about high-quality code, accessibility, testing, state management, and other cool front end shenanigans.
- 📫 How to reach me: Calendly - LinkedIn -
- ⚡ Fun facts: I love cats and video games! 🐱💻