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This repository contains some OpenGL examples. These examples have been written in C++ and use OpenGL 3.3.

These are not tutorials. While I have tried to document the code as much as possible, the why and how is not explained. If you want a tutorial on OpenGL, I suggest you try out or learn opengl.
The point of these examples is not to teach you how 3D rendering works. These examples merely serve as a point of reference as to how you can implement solutions to typical problems in OpenGL 3.3.

Each example resides in its own folder. Code that is often reused, such as code for compiling and linking shader programs, is put into a seperate folder and reused in the different examples.

This code has been written with OS X as a target. No special care has been taken to make sure the code is cross-platform. While the examples might not compile out of the box on your machine, the code can still be reused in your projects. You should be able to just plug it into an OpenGL application that compiles and runs on your machine.


These examples have some dependencies:



Make sure that you have compiled the GLFW dependency for your system as a static library. You should now have a file called libglfw3.a. Place this in a subdirectory lib of the root folder (on the same level as this file).

Download the latest release of SOIL. You can try putting the binary in the lib folder, but this will most likely fail if your computer is from the last few years. You're best off using the supplied makefile in the projects/makefile folder. Note that you need to alter a line if your OS is 64 bit: change the line that says CXX = gcc to CXX = gcc -arch x86_64. Run make and you will find the new libSOIL.a file in the lib subdirectory of the directory where you downloaded SOIL to.

Download the latest stable release of ASSIMP. You can find this release on their GitHub repository page. Generate build files and compile the static library. Put the resulting libassimp.a file in the lib folder where you put the other library files.

Now you can use the command make $EXAMPLE_NAME (e.g., make hdr) to compile an example. The resulting binaries will be placed in the bin folder.


These examples are available under the MIT License. This is because public domain is not recognized in every country. For more information, read this question and answer.

Licenses of third party libraries are available in the 3rd_party folder.


To compile all examples, you can run make or make all.

  1. Beginner
    1. Hello Triangle
    2. Hello Sprite
    3. Hello Cube
    4. Hello Heightmap
    5. Hello Mesh
    6. Transparency
  2. Intermediate
    1. Render To Texture
    2. Cubemaps
    3. Instancing
    4. Particles
    5. Sprite Batching
    6. Dear Imgui
    7. Vertex Shading
  3. Advanced
    1. Morph Target Animation
    2. Uniform Buffer Objects
    3. Forward Rendering
    4. Shadows
    5. Billboards
  4. Expert
    1. Deferred Shading
    2. HDR Deferred Shading
    3. Additive Light Passes
    4. Point Shadows

Hello Triangle

Level: beginner

Compile: make hello_triangle
Run: cd bin; ./01-hello-triangle.out

This example shows the minimal code needed to render a simple colored triangle.



Hello Sprite

Level: beginner

Compile: make hello_sprite
Run: cd bin; ./02-hello_sprite.out

This example shows the minimal code needed to render a textured quad. It also uses glDrawElements to reduce duplication of vertices.



Hello Cube

Level: beginner

Compile: make hello_cube
Run: cd bin; ./03-hello_cube.out

This example introduces 3D transformations and perspective projection. It also uses depth testing to make sure the cube is rendered correctly.



Hello Heightmap

Level: beginner

Compile: make hello_heightmap
Run: cd bin; ./04-hello_heightmap.out

This example introduces the loading and rendering of heightmaps. It also introduces smooth camera movement and looking around with the mouse. The heightmap is rendered without color or texture and in wireframe. Adding color and texture is a good exercise for the beginning reader. Finally, we also introduce backface culling.



Hello Mesh

Level: beginner

Compile: make hello_mesh
Run: cd bin; ./05-hello_mesh.out

This example uses Assimp to load a mesh. We load the material ourselves instead of using Assimp. In this example we have moved the shader loading to a Material class and the data loading to a Mesh class. We will be making changes to these classes in later examples if needed.




Level: beginner

Compile: make transparency
Run: cd bin; ./17-transparency.out

This examples shows how to use blending to render transparent objects, by sorting them back-to-front. This is just one way to render transparent objects.



Render To Texture

Level: intermediate

Compile: make render_to_texture
Run: cd bin; ./06-render_to_texture.out

We reuse the code from the Hello Mesh example, but this time we render to an off-screen texture, and then render that texture in grayscale to the screen.




Level: intermediate

Compile: make cubemaps
Run: cd bin; ./07-cubemaps.out

This example shows how to create a skybox with cubemaps. It demonstrates loading 6 images into a cubemap, and it demonstrates how to draw the skybox behind everything else.




Level: intermediate

Compile: make instancing
Run: cd bin; ./08-instancing.out

This example draws a large number of objects in a single draw call using instancing. Model matrices are generated in the main file, but most of the actual implementation is in the Mesh class. Make sure to look at the setInstances and render methods.




Level: intermediate

Compile: make particles
Run: cd bin; ./09-particles.out

This example uses instanced rendering to render a large amount of particles. The particle system shown is rather basic, only supporting colored particles and no textures. There are also no special particle emitter shapes or particle collision. This would complicate the example and take away from the understanding of simple particle rendering.



Sprite Batching

Level: intermediate

Compile: make sprite_batching
Run: cd bin; ./10-sprite_batching.out

This example shows how to batch draw calls for sprites. This allows you to render thousands of sprites at a high framerate. This implementation keeps collecting sprites into a buffer until the buffer is full or a different texture is encountered. Other implementations sort the buffer by texture and then render the whole buffer. This one is the easiest to implement, but has more draw calls in a worst case scenario. It does not have the overhead of sorting.



Dear Imgui

Level: intermediate

Compile: make dear_imgui
Run: cd bin; ./21-dear_imgui.out

This example shows how to use the code provided by the developers of the Dear Imgui library to display some items such as buttons and text on the window in an immediate mode way. The example is very small, which shows how easy it is to set up imgui.



Vertex Shading

Level: intermediate

Compile: make vertex_shading
Run: cd bin; ./22-vertex_shading.out

Low poly art styles are all the rage these days. Vertex shading was a huge part of the look back before 2004. Switch between smooth (fragment) shading and flat (vertex) shading using E.



Morph Target Animation

Level: advanced

Compile: make morph_target_animation
Run: cd bin; ./11-morph_target_animation.out

Morph Target Animation is one of the two popular methods used to animate 3D objects. It uses more memory than skeletal animation and is less flexible, but is very easy to implement and can be used for complex animations such as facial animation. This example focuses on the implementation of morph target animation and strips down any unnecessary components. It simply animates a growing and shrinking cube.
The methods used in this example can easily be updated to accomodate different meshes, textures, normals, etc.



Uniform Buffer Objects

Level: advanced

Compile: make uniform_buffer_objects
Run: cd bin; ./12-uniform_buffer_objects.out

Uniform Buffer Objects allow you to reuse uniforms easily between shader programs without having to add a lot of extra code. They also allow you to have much more uniforms. We render two cubes with different shader programs, reusing the projection and view uniform matrices.



Forward Rendering

Level: advanced

Compile: make forward_rendering
Run: cd bin; ./13-forward_rendering.out

Forward Rendering is one popular technique of rendering lit 3D scenes. This example uses the Blinn-Phong shading model to render a lit cube with several lights.




Level: advanced

Compile: make shadows
Run: cd bin; ./14-shadows.out

This is a simple example of how to do shadow mapping with percentage closer filtering for easy dynamic shadows. It only handles directional lights.




Level: advanced

Compile: make billboards
Run: cd bin; ./15-billboards.out

This example shows how to render billboards (2D sprites that are always oriented towards the camera) with a fixed size, or a size that changes depending on the distance between the object and the camera.



Deferred Shading

Level: expert

Compile: make deferred_shading
Run: cd bin; ./16-deferred_shading.out

This example shows how to render to multiple textures in a single framebuffer at a time and use this to optimize the rendering of many lights. Other optimizations not included are tile based deferred rendering, which can speed up rendering even more.



HDR Deferred Shading

Level: expert

Compile: make hdr
Run: cd bin; ./18-hdr.out

This example shows how to combine deferred shading with HDR rendering. We render the same asteroid field, but add a single very bright light. We can see that details are still visible in the bright asteroids, as well as in the asteroids that are less lit in the background.



Additive Light Passes

Level: expert

Compile: make additive_lights
Run: cd bin; ./19-additive_lights.out

This example shows how to do additive blending with a pass for each light. This is similar to how the Doom 3 renderer works. The advantages of such an approach compared to a simple forward rendering approach are simpler shaders and the possibility to reduce the number of fragments affected by a light using a stencil test.
A disadvantage is that we need to do one pass per light, instead of one pass for all lights. This implies a lot of additional draw calls. However the complexity of a single pass can be greatly reduced.
In this example, we also do a Z pre-pass to fill the depth buffer before drawing lights, and we do some math to calculate the screen space bounding box of a light. This is why this example got the expert label, as additive light blending is in itself actually quite simple to implement without these extra tricks.



Point Shadows

Level: expert

Compile: make point_shadows
Run: cd bin; ./20-point_shadows.out

This example, based on this great tutorial shows how to render shadows for point lights, by creating a cubemap depth texture with a single render pass.
The example is far from optimized, but shows that rendering point light shadows can be quite expensive and should be done only sparingly.




OpenGL examples







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