Competitive Programming is an interesting activity which mixes problem solving with programming. It is not only enjoyable but also very demanded in placements. Competitive programming will make you very good at writing efficient programs quickly. If you get really serious with competitive programming, it will make you an expert in data structures and algorithms.
Any programming language will do. But most problems are set with C/C++ and Java programmers in mind, so knowing any one of them will be really helpful.
You don't need to know really advanced concepts, like classes or generics/templates. You should just know if/else, loops, arrays, functions and have some familiarity with the standard library, like math functions, string/array operations and input/output. For C, <string.h>, <stdio.h>, <math.h>, <stdlib.h> will generally be sufficient to start.
If you know only C, you can easily start. But at some point of time (especially when you reach advanced stages), you'll need features which most languages have but C does not. Learning C++ is very easy if you know C. I'll suggest that you start out with C and learn C++ in parallel with competitive programming.
Even if you are not confident of your skills in a programming language, you can (and should) still start. Competitive programming is also a good way to practice a new language you have learned.
This project is contains data structures and algorithms relevant to competitive programming problems
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