Bot is handy in group chats. She looks for the currencies in chat context and converts $, €, ₽, CAD currencies to opposite ones (based on Open Exchange Rates). Opposite ones are set empirically.
For example:
- someone sent to a chat
bought a backpack for $119 free shipping
- she replies
7691 ₽
Start chat with @USDRUB_bot in Telegram. Ask '$1', '5€' or even '100 RUB'.
In the folder:
$ echo "BOT_TOKEN = 'YOUR_TOKEN'" >> money_bot/token.rb # Telegram Bot Token from @BotFather
$ echo "OXR_APP_ID = 'YOUR_OXR_ID'" >> money_bot/token.rb # App token from Open Exchange Rates
$ docker build -t m4rr/money_bot . # Build Docker image
$ docker run -d --name money_bot --restart=always m4rr/money_bot # Run Docker container