A toolkit for using MongoDB with Clojure.
Version 0.1.5 adds compatibility with both Clojure 1.3, in addition to 1.2.
Congomongo 0.1.4 introduces support for the MongoDB 1.8's modified map-reduce functionality, wherein the 'out' parameter is required. With this and future Congomongo releases, it will no longer be possible to access the map-reduce features of older MongoDB instances.
As of congomongo 0.1.3, Clojure 1.2 and Clojure-contrib 1.2 are required.
If you need compatibility with Clojure 1.1,
please stick with congomongo 0.1.2.
There is now a Google Group
Come help us make ponies for great good.
Clojars group is congomongo.
CongoMongo is essentially a Clojure api for the mongo-java-driver, transparently handling coercions between Clojure and Java data types.
(ns my-mongo-app
(:use somnium.congomongo))
:db "mydb")
(insert! :robots
{:name "robby"}
(def my-robot (fetch-one :robots)) => #'user/my-robot
my-robot => { :name "robby",
:_id #<ObjectId> "0c23396f7e53e34a4c8cf400">,
:_ns "robots"}
(update! :robots my-robot (merge my-robot { :name "asimo" }))
=> { :name "asimo" ,
:_id #<ObjectId> "0c23396f7e53e34a4c8cf400"> ,
:_ns : "robots" }
(destroy! :robots my-robot) => nil
(fetch :robots) => ()
(for [x (range 100) y (range 100)]
{:x x
:y y
:z (* x y)}))
=> nil
(fetch-count :points)
=> 10000
:where {:x {:$gt 10
:$lt 20}
:y 42
:z {:$gt 500}})
=> {:x 12, :y 42, :z 504, :_ns "points", :_id ... }
(fetch-one :points
:as :json)
=> "{ \"_id\" : \"0c23396ffe79e34a508cf400\" ,
\"x\" : 0 , \"y\" : 0 , \"z\" : 0 , \"_ns\" : \"points\"}"
Leiningen is the recommended way to use congomongo. Just add [congomongo "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT"] to your project.clj and do $lein deps to get congomongo and all of its dependencies.
CongoMongo is a work in progress. If you've used, improved, or abused it tell us about it at our Google Group.