Implement a city search functionality. The function takes a string (search text) as input and returns the found cities which corresponds to the search text. Prerequisites
Create a collection of strings that will act as a database for the city names.
City names: Paris, Budapest, Skopje, Rotterdam, Valencia, Vancouver, Amsterdam, Vienna, Sydney, New York City, London, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Dubai, Rome, Istanbul Requirements
If the search text is fewer than 2 characters, then should return no results. (It is an optimization feature of the search functionality.)
If the search text is equal to or more than 2 characters, then it should return all the city names starting with the exact search text.
For example for search text “Va”, the function should return Valencia and Vancouver
The search functionality should be case insensitive
The search functionality should work also when the search text is just a part of a city name
For example “ape” should return “Budapest” city
If the search text is a “*” (asterisk), then it should return all the city names.