This project was inspired by the HuggingFace Cropinky/rap_lyrics_english data set project.
I've taken that project a step further by taking the output of the rap lyrics downloader and feeding it into a GPT2 Huggingface model for training. The resultant model can be used to generate new rap songs, with dubious results given the simplicity of the GPT2 model used as a starting point. YMMV!
The script will search for .txt files in the input directory. The script expects the files to contain a single artist's name per line.
The script will collect all artists names from all .txt files and then proceed to download lyrics for songs for each of those artists. Note, to avoid api limits, the script uses a MAX_SONGS variable per artist, to cap the number of songs for which lyrics will be downloaded. Feel free to change this limit, but be warned that you can easily run into 500 errors if you get too aggressive.
The script will then write out a txt file to the intermediate directory for each artist, containing the lyrics to their songs.
Run the script like so:
The script parses all lyrics files in the intermediate directory and produces a single corpus.txt file in the output directory. This corpus.txt file will be used in the next steps for training the model.
Run the script like so:
Now to train the model. This step will include reading in the corpus.txt file written out in the previous step, and then saving a trained model in a /tmp/test-rap directory.
Run the script like so:
python `
--output_dir /tmp/test-rap `
--model_name_or_path gpt2 `
--config_name ./ `
--tokenizer_name ./ `
--train_file=./output/corpus.txt `
--block_size "512" `
--do_train `
--do_eval `
--per_device_train_batch_size 1 `
--per_device_eval_batch_size 1 `
--learning_rate "5e-4" `
--adam_beta1 "0.9" --adam_beta2 "0.98" --weight_decay "0.01" `
--num_train_epochs "60" `
--logging_steps "500" `
--save_steps "5000" `
--eval_steps "100"
Or, if you are using powershell, use the ps1 script to save terminal space:
To generate new outputs from a prompt, run the script like so:
python --model_type=gpt2 --model_name_or_path=/tmp/test-rap --length=400
Or, if you are using powershell, use the ps1 script to save terminal space: