Note: Please don't use this complier for production as it is just a project submission for my CS class!
Compiler Haiku:
Compile the Pascal
Segmented fault had occurred
Question life choices
Massimiliano Cutugno
This pascal compiler (written in C with Lex and Yacc Tools) generates source code into x86 assembly code (intel syntax).
Please go to the user manual section to see how to use the compiler.
The first stage of the compiler is the lexical analyzer. This takes the input source code and translates it into stream of tokens with their corresponding attributes. The compiler used “lex” as the lexical analyzer to tokenize the input source code. The following tokens were used to do this task:
List of tokens (terminals symbols) used for grammar:
Token Name | Token Regex | Additional information |
L_PROGRAM | program | Starts a program declaration |
L_FUNCTION | function | Starts a function declaration |
L_PROCEDURE | procedure | Starts a procedure declaration |
L_IF | if | Starts a if statement |
L_THEN | then | Used with an if statement |
L_ELSE | else | Used with an if statement |
L_WHILE | while | Starts a while statement |
L_FOR | for | Starts a for statement |
L_TO | to | Used with a for statement |
L_DO | do | Used with a looping statements |
L_BEGIN | begin | Used to start multiple statements |
L_END | end | Used to end multiple statements |
L_INTEGER | integer | Used to declare integer type |
L_REAL | real | Used to declare real type |
L_VAR | var | Used to declare a variable |
L_ARRAY | array | Used to declare a array variable |
L_OF | of | Used with a array declaration |
L_NOT | not | Used to negate implicit boolean types |
L_ADD | add | Used to add two reals or two integer types |
L_SUB | sub | Used to subtract two reals or two integer types or negate integer or real types |
L_OR | or | Used to take the logical OR of implicit boolean types |
L_MULOP | [*/]|div|mod|and | These are multiply,divide,modulus, and logical AND operators (respectively) that are computed with the same precedence |
L_RELOP | =|\<\>|\<|\<=|\>=|\> | These are relational operators (equal to, not equal to, less than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, greater than respectively) with the same precedence |
L_ASSIGNOP | := | Used to assign a value to a variable |
L_ID | [a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]|[0-9])* | This is an user defined name for defining functions/procedures/programs and variables |
L_NUM | [0-9]+(E[+-]?[0-9]+)? | This is used to represent a number |
L_LP | ( | Represents a left parentheses |
L_RP | ) | Represents a right parentheses |
L_LB | [ | Represents a left bracket |
L_RB | ] | Represents a right bracket |
L_DD | \.\. | Used with array declarations |
L_D | \. | Used to end a program |
L_COM | , | Represents a comma |
L_SC | ; | Represents a semicolon |
L_C | : | Represents a colon |
spaces | [ \t]+ | Spaces are filtered out at lexical stage |
comments | \(\*(.|\n)*\*\)|\/\/.* | Comments (single and multiple line) are filtered out at lexical stage |
EOL | \n | Represents a new line |
After the input source code is processed by the lexical analyzer (if the input does not contain any unrecognized characters) the parser constructs a parse tree. The compiler used “yacc” to build the syntax analyzer in c. The context free grammar used for this parser is listed below as a sequence of nonterminal definitions. It is worth noting that the grammer’s starting non-terminal is “program”. Furthermore, to rid of the dangling else ambiguous grammar, two additional non-terminal types (matched_stmt and unmatched_stmt) had to be constructed.
List of (nonterminals) used for grammar:
Non-Terminal | Non-Terminal Rule(s) |
program | L_PROGRAM L_ID L_LP identifier_list L_RP L_SC declarations subprogram_declarations compound_statement L_D |
identifier_list | L_ID | identifier_list L_COM L_ID |
declarations | epsilon | declarations L_VAR identifier_list L_C type L_SC |
type | standard_type | L_ARRAY L_LB L_NUM L_DD L_NUM L_RB L_OF standard_type |
standard_type | L_INTEGER | L_REAL |
subprogram_declarations | epsilon | subprogram_declarations subprogram_declaration L_SC |
subprogram_declaration | subprogram_head declarations subprogram_declarations compound_statement |
subprogram_head | L_FUNCTION L_ID arguments L_C standard_type L_SC | L_PROCEDURE L_ID arguments L_SC |
arguments | epsilon | L_LP parameter_list L_RP |
parameter_list | identifier_list L_C type | parameter_list L_SC identifier_list L_C type |
compound_statement | L_BEGIN optional_statements L_END |
optional_statements | epsilon | statement_list |
statement_list | statement | statement_list L_SC statement |
statement | matched_stmt | unmatched_stmt |
matched_stmt | L_IF expression L_THEN matched_stmt L_ELSE matched_stmt | variable L_ASSIGNOP expression | procedure_statement | compound_statement | L_WHILE expression L_DO statement | L_FOR L_ID L_ASSIGNOP expression L_TO expression L_DO statement |
unmatched_stmt | L_IF expression L_THEN statement | L_IF expression L_THEN matched_stmt L_ELSE unmatched_stmt |
variable | L_ID | L_ID L_LB expression L_RB |
procedure_statement | L_ID | L_ID L_LP expression_list L_RP |
expression_list | expression | expression_list L_COM expression |
expression | simple_expression | simple_expression L_RELOP simple_expression |
simple_expression | term | L_SUB term | simple_expression L_ADD term | simple_expression L_SUB term | simple_expression L_OR term |
term | factor | term L_MULOP factor |
factor | variable | L_ID L_LP expression_list L_RP | L_NUM | L_LP expression L_RP | L_NOT factor |
After the constructing the parse tree from the specified grammer, the compiler then proceeds to check the semantics of the program. This is done in separate c file “semantic_analyzer.c”. The semantic analyzer will halt and exit the compilation if any of the following rules are broken:
- A function must not be left without returning a value
- A function returns a value and must not leave dead code behind (code that is never reached because of the function return blocks it)
- The conditions for if statements and while statements must be of type boolean
- A assignment of variable must have its left hand side match the right hand side when expression is computed
- Assignment of a whole array to another whole array is not allowed
- An array must have its upper bound be greater than its lower bound
- A declaration of a variable/function/procedure in a scope must not have the same name as any other declared variables/functions/procedures within the scope (including parameters)
- Within the function, any of its local functions/procedures/variables within scope should not have the same name as the the function name
- A function is never allowed to access variables/procedures/functions outside of its scope (except for accessing itself for recursion)
- The write procedure can take in any number of arguments, however must take in at least one argument
- Functions must not ever be directly used as a statement and must be accessed where a expression is present
- Procedures must not be used within a expression and must be called as a single statement
- Functions/procedures/variables cannot be used if not previously declared
- Functions and procedures must be called with the right arguments types and the write number of arguments
- Expressions must be acted on a single type (even implicitly declared boolean types by the use of relational operators). Also note that compile time constants are casted to either a real or a integer.
- Functions, when used in a expression, must have its return type be the same as operand types also within the expression
- The logical AND, OR, and NOT operations must act on implicit boolean types, while all other operations must act on the types specified by the operands.
- Cannot mismatch function/procedure/variable names with another another
- An array passed though as a parameter to a function is allowed, but must have the same declared upper bound and lower bound as the parameter type
- NOTE: All indices of arrays are checked during runtime and not during compile time
The compiler is finally ready to generate assembly source code after it successfully passes through the semantic analyzer stage with no violations of specified rules. This compiler then generates x86 assembly code (intel syntax). The code generated can be then executed after the user installs nasm (or any equivalent object compiler program that takes in x86 assembly code). There is only one expected type of error that could happen and is safely handled by stopping the execution of the program. This error occurs when the users decides to index a array which is out of the bounds of the array given. A segmented fault should never occur after executing the assembly code.
The following table shows the stack arrangement used for a procedure/function call with N size parameters, M local variables, and S temporary registers:
Procedure/Function Stack |
temporary register S |
: |
temporary register 1 |
local variable M |
: |
local variable 1 |
calling scope bsp (current scope bsp points to this address) |
return instruction address |
parameter N |
: |
parameter 1 |
It is also worth noting that arays are stored quite differently. This is because arrays are not passed by reference, only by value. When an arrays is declared or an array is passed as a parameter, the resulting stack for storing the array is as follows:
Array Stack |
array value M |
: |
array value 1 |
upper bound value |
lower bound value |
To compile the user source code for pascal, one should first compile the source code for the compiler using the make file within the project directory. It is worth noting that "gcc", "lex", and "yacc" are all dependenacies and must be downloaded in order to build the compiler from the source presented in this repository. After this is done, the source can be compiled to x86 intel assembly by executing the following command:
make all
Alternatively, one could use the following command:
make pcc
After this is executed, the pascal compiler is ready to compile the source code for pascal program. There are a few options for compiling the source code. One is directly passing the input though piping or redirecting input:
cat [pascal_source_code] | ./pcc
This will however print the source code to the standard output. To redirect the output to the a filename, one should use the ‘-o’ option with a output file name like below:
cat [pascal_source_code] | ./pcc -o [outputfileName]
Furthermore, one could just specify the input file without redirection/piping like below:
./pcc [pascal_source_code] -o [outputfileName]
Any of these ways should generate the assembly code code in one way or another. It is worth noting that piping the output of the compiler is also sufficient way to generating source code, Therefore, one can do following:
./pcc [pascal_source_code] > [outputfileName]
./pcc [pascal_source_code] | [other commands...]
Furthermore, using the "-d" option with the pcc command will compile the input pascal souce file with debug mode enabled. More specifically, compiler will attempt to print the lexical tokens, parse tree (both semantically unchecked and clean/checked trees) alongside the output assembly code.
To execute the assembly code, one should first install “nasm” to create a object file for the program. To do this on a ubuntu, one should first do the following:
sudo apt-get install nasm
After this is done, the assembly code can be executed by using the bash script “runAssembly” in the project directory. More specifically, one should do the following:
./runAssembly [outputAssemblyFile]
This should run the assembly program that the pascal source code represents.
The pascal compiler presented in this report is not complete; there are a few limitations and caveats as well as unique features. Firstly, the parameters specified in the program definition has no functionality yet. Therefore using “input” or “output” within the program parameters effectively does not add input or output features to the pascal source code. However, it is worth noting that is still possible to use the “write” and "read" functions (with one or more arguments) to print/read a result to standard out/in. The compiler also does not handle floating point numbers, (so there is no difference between real types and integer types). However, a unique feature to this compiler is that the user is able to enter a number in scientific notation to declare a number wherever is appropriate.
The compiler was tested against its specifications to determine if there are any overall problems to be fixed. Each section below shows a pascal source file with its output result. If a error is expected, the description will rightful mention this.
Testing greatest common denominator function with 345 and 678 (should compile and run normally as expected)
program example(input, output);
var x: integer;
function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;
if b = 0 then gcd := a;
gcd := gcd(b, a mod b)
x := gcd(345, 678);
Storing the function range of x^2 in a array from 3 to 10 then printing the result (should compile and run normally as expected)
program example(input, output);
var x: integer;
var someArray : array [ 3 .. 10 ] of integer ;
for x:= 3 to 10 do
someArray[x] := x*x;
for x:= 3 to 10 do
Attempting to index a array that is out of bounds (should compile and but give a runtime error)
program example(input, output);
var x: integer;
var someArray : array [ 3 .. 10 ] of integer ;
someArray[x] := 100
[ERROR] ARRAY "someArray" is indexed at 2 which is less than the lower bound of 3 at (6,2) [TRACE: example]
Attempting to get a variable out of scope of a function (should semantically fail)
program example(input, output);
var y: integer;
function bad (x : integer) : integer;
bad := x mod y
[ERROR] VARIABLE "y" was referenced at (6,16), but was never declared. [TRACE: example.bad]
Attempting to get a variable out of scope of a procedure (should compile and run normally as expected)
program example(input, output);
var y: integer;
var result : integer;
procedure okay (x : integer);
result := x mod y
Attempting to get a assign a variable to a different type (should fail at semantic stage)
program example(input, output);
var x: integer;
var y: real;
[ERROR] ASSIGNMENT of variable "x" of type "INTEGER" does not match left hand side type of "REAL" at (7,2). [TRACE: example]
Testing greatest common denominator function with 345 and 678, but the return type of the function does not match the assigning variable (should fail at semantic stage)
program example(input, output);
var x: real;
function gcd(a, b: integer): integer;
if b = 0 then gcd := a;
gcd := gcd(b, a mod b)
x:= gcd(345, 678);
[ERROR] ASSIGNMENT of variable "x" of type "REAL" does not match left hand side type of "INTEGER" at (9,2). [TRACE: example]
Finding the first fibonacci number before a number (read from standard in) (should compile and run normally as expected)
program example(input, output);
var x, y: real;
var maxValue : real;
y := 0;
x := 1;
while x < maxValue do
x := x + y;
y := x - y