PanoramioRb gem allows you to get geolocated photos from as a Ruby Object.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'panoramio-rb'
Or by command line
gem install panoramio-rb
require 'rubygems' require 'panoramio-rb' panoramio = PanoramioRb.get_panoramas( :minx=>'-72.69483717012992', :miny=>'-13.307931783110847', :maxx=>'-72.39756282987008', :maxy=>'-13.018468216889152') # Or use panoramio = PanoramioRb.get_panoramas_from_point([-13.1632,-72.5462]) # To get photos # To get global total photos panoramio[:count] # To verify if has more photos panoramio.has_more # Photos structure: photo = photo.photo_id photo.photo_title photo.photo_url photo.photo_file_url photo.longitude photo.latitude photo.width photo.height photo.upload_date photo.owner_id photo.owner_name photo.owner_url
:set Type of photos. Uses :public (by default) for popular photos. Use :full to get all photos, or a Panoramio User ID. :size Photos size. You can use :original, :medium (by default), :thumbnail, :square, :mini_square :from From collection photos. Default 0 :to To collection photos. Default 20 :mapfilter Default true. When the mapfilter parameter is set to true, photos are filtered such that they look better when they are placed on a map. It takes into account the location and tries to avoid of returning photos of the same location. :minx, :miny, :maxx, and :maxy These values define the area to show photos from (minimum longitude, latitude, maximum longitude and latitude, respectively).
:point Array with Latitude, Longitude values :radius Distance from point. Default 10 :unit Distance unit. Default :mi (miles). You can use too kilometers (:km) :options Hash values. The same options for get_panoramas function
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