Track pageviews over time and order your posts by popularity on the front-end. Options include the number of days to retain and a timed delay to prevent duplicate pageviews per IP address.
This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.
To install the plugin, follow these instructions.
Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
cd /path/to/project
Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
composer require madebyraygun/trending-posts
In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Trending Posts.
You can change which sections to record, how many days of activity to keep, and visitor settings by creating a settings file in config/trending-posts.php.
return [
'trackDays' => 7, //default is 7 days
'trackSection' => [1,2], //limit tracking to specific sections
'visitorTimeout' => 15 //default is 15 minutes
The plugin uses an array of numerical section IDs to determine which entries to track. You can find a section's numerical ID by viewing the section in the admin control pannel (/admin/settings/sections) and clicking on the section name. For example:
Use the following twig tag to increment view counts. You can put this in a global footer or only in specific sections that you want to track.
{% do craft.trendingPosts.increment( %}
To order entries by most viewed use
For a single section
For multiple section
You can add the "Views" table column to your section on the back-end to see how many views a particular post has in the last X days. (X defaults to 7, which you can change in config/trending-posts.php)
Brought to you by Raygun
With initial development by Bhashkar Yadav