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About This Project

This is the Repo/Code for the DHSC Data Access Platform Frontend. This application primarily utilises the following technologies:

With this project we aim to:

  • To improve both quality and efficiency of data and insight analysis at a local, regional and national level
  • To enable better decision making across all stakeholders to improve the delivery of high-quality care across the sector
  • To reduce siloed data sharing and alleviate cost and effort inefficiencies
  • To enhance data and insights sharing within the adult social care sector using NHS as a ‘baseline’



This project requires the following pre-requisites:

  1. NodeJs
  2. Docker
  3. Make

Installing project dependencies

  1. Clone the repo to your chosen directory
  2. Navigate to the App directory cd app
  3. Install dependencies npm i


Running the application

To run the application you must ensure you've followed the setup steps

  • To run the app via Docker in the project root directory run: make docker-up
  • To run the app via Node:
    • Navigate to app directory: cd app
    • spin up the application: npm start
    • To run tests (currently there is low test coverage) npm test

Continuous Integration, Development and Deployment


This project uses Azure DevOps Pipelines for continuous integration and deployment. There are currently two environments Dev and Production which we continuously integrate with. The CI/CD Pipeline has the following stages:

  • Test: This step runs the tests
  • Build and Push: This steps builds a docker image and pushes to container registry
  • Deploy: This step deploys the application to Azure Web App

Further documentation

High Level Architechture Diagram - Alpha

Diagram of the DHSC DAP Platform Alpha Architecture

Proposed High Level Architechture Diagram - Beta

Diagram of the Proposed DHSC DAP Platform Beta Architecture

Related Repositories

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DHSC Alpha Data Repository for Data work required for DHSC Alpha
DHSC Alpha Infrastructure Infrastructure Repository for the DHSC Alpha Delivery
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