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Masonry Grid Component

Stanislav Idolov edited this page May 8, 2019 · 10 revisions


As a Developer, I want a configurable and extendable grid component that allows to display images using masonry layout in a responsive grid, so that I can use it in Magento extensions or core functionality

Business Value

unified admin user experience, reduce code duplication, save time on development by reusing existing grid components in Magento UI library

Acceptance Criteria

  • Masonry grid component displays images and attributes associated with them. Some examples of successful: implementation: Responsive grid

  • Responsiveness achieved by resizing images and wrapping them. Space between images always remains the same.

    • Default Space between images - 20px (UI component configuration)
    • Default maximum image height - 240px (UI component configuration)
  • Grid supports pagination

  • Grid saves its state during user session

  • Grid settings that can be configured:

  • 3d party developer can extend grid component with the following:

    • show image attributes on user action
    • display selected attributes on top of the image (overlay)
    • add call to action buttons on top of the images (overlay)

Image grid

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