Sculptor Cartridge for rest services using Apache Camel
To use this in your Sculptor project, there are 2 changes to make:
- In your pom.xml add a dependency to the sculptor plugin:
- In your enable the cartridge with:
cartridges=builder, camelrs
Define this properties in you to control CamelRS endpoints generation.
deployment.contextRoot - controls context root CamelRS will be using to bind it services to. This is a required property. Set it to context root you're planning to deploy resulting WAR file to.
camelrs.restPath - controls the path CamelRS will bind rest services to. By default set to 'contextRoot'. Override it if you need different path for CamelRS services.
camelrs.idToEntityMappingMethod - controls service method that will be used to map between ID and Entity. By default set to 'findById'. Override it if you're using another naming convention.
Some services (CamelRS for instance) require addtional setup done in web.xml. Example web.xml generator builds basic web.xml providing initial configuration for those services. It's located in src/generated/resources directory. Copy web_example.xml to src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and edit it to fine tune it's parameters.
generate.web.example - controls generation of web_example.xml file. By default set to 'true'. Set it to false to disable web_example.xml generation.