Course Selection System
- java 11
- mysql 8
- redis 5.0.12
- Create mysql and redis through docker Consider using docker-compose.ymlStart mysql and redis
- Create library
CREATE USER 'appBase'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'appBase';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON appBase.* TO appBase@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON appBase_test.* TO appBase@'%';
Initialize the base table 2.1 start up liquibase, liquibase,enable:true 2.2 using jpa, enable application-base.yml ,generate-ddl:true, ddl-auto:update
Initialize the default user
INSERT INTO t_sys_organization (created_date, last_modified_date, parent_id, name, code, sort, enabled) VALUES (DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, '云南分部', null, null, DEFAULT);
INSERT INTO t_sys_user (created_date, last_modified_date, email, enabled, organization_id, organization_name, sort, password, username, name, title, tags, credentials_non_expired, account_non_locked, account_non_expired, credentials_expired_date, account_expired_date) VALUES (DEFAULT, DEFAULT, null, DEFAULT, 1, '云南分部', null, '{noop}123456', 'admin', '系统管理员', '后台', '管理员', DEFAULT, DEFAULT, DEFAULT, null, null);
- common Infrastructure and common Functions 1.1 data - Abstract dao and conforming query builder 1.2 controller,service -Type and controller and service base class (currently some parameters require constructor injection
- sys.controller -Log in to the controller 2.1 in AuthenticationSuccessHandlerImpl's sampleLogin Replace the return structure after login in.
- education -An example package, no actual function. Can be deleted 3.1 Currently only a few base classes of the project support jpa generation. Other entities only do liquibase configuration.
- Coding assistance, lombok is used extensively to assist the generation of get, set, etc. Plug-in support is required.
- pack 1.1 Format correction, run mvn spring-javaformat:apply to format the code. 1.2 Or comment pom.xml, plugins->io.spring.javaformat 1.3 mvn package
The code specifications used in this project are modified according to the Spring Framework code format conventions.
The formatting configuration file format is eclipse format. After the idea is imported, some styles may be inconsistent with the configuration file when formatting is used. Therefore, IDE does not require that the configuration file must be imported
Use the maven command in the project to directly format the code,
mvn spring-javaformat:apply
So as long as the formatting configuration of the ide does not cause too many obstacles to your own development, you can
Originally considered to integrate formatting with git hooks, but after formatting, you need to re-run git add to add the formatted code to the temporary storage area, but this may cause damage to the code that you don't want to submit. So temporarily run the formatting manually
- Compile-time configuration:
- Select configuration at runtime: --spring.config.location=/config/application.yml
mvn swagger2markup:convertSwagger2markup
mvn asciidoctor:process-asciidoc
mvn package
Last generated file location: 1